This is not a pot shot at the Foxes Trust, but I do wonder if you are fended off with club spin, all to often you paint a picture that all is well within the club and yet as other posters have alluded to (some with inside information) this is not quite the case.
As for the Andrew Neville / Alan Birchenall saga, that appears to have been brushed under the carpet, I thought the club were going to sit down and explain the situation with the FT. It appears to me, you are told what the club thinks you should hear. Bearing in mind that 2 new executives have joined the business, which has acknowledged massive shortfalls in it's commercial and retail dealings, to think that major changes are on not on the horizon would surely be nieve (sp) to say the least.
Who has identifed and authorised these appointments, is it the board or TD, surely if the club has performed so poorly on the commercial front then it is the responsibility of TD to identify and rectify, to allow this to have continued for so long makes TD responsible, regardless of his commercial and retail inexperience.
Surely if a business has under performed so dramatically as we have over the past 12 or so months then the Chief Executive must carry the can, there is no way I can see TD surviving this restructure.