This League 1

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I wasn't suggesting you were funny. Just that you may not be a racist just because you are a Leeds fan. You are however a prize knob who contradicts himself. Now go and spend some time on your own board or have a wank to Gerry Rockford (or whatever his name is)!!
Everybody is the UK knows not to trust a scouser whatever he does or whatever he says and I know it has been a long standing joke for years.
****! I thought you knew your school stuff.
Do you mean like the difference between ran and run ?

Well no not really. TWOK was a spelling mistake.
Typing the word 'Ran' was just very bad grammar that didn't work in that sentence.

The thing is , we don't need to use T.W.O.C much in Leeds. I guess it's something you and scousers are used to hearing every day.
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Well no not really. TWOK was a spelling mistake.
Typing the word 'Ran' was just very bad grammar that didn't work in that sentence.

The 'c' on a keyboard is nowhere near the 'K', so we must assume that you think that the word consent actually begins with a K

And that is, clearly, far more ignorant and ill-educated than simply getting the tense wrong in a sentence
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Well no not really. TWOK was a spelling mistake.
Typing the word 'Ran' was just very bad grammar that didn't work in that sentence.

The thing is , we don't need to use T.W.O.C much in Leeds. I guess it's something you and scousers are used to hearing every day.

You really are a thoroughly nasty piece of work aren't you ? People on here used to slate Leeds fans and say what horrible Racist Bastards they are.I never took any notice and refused to join in because I'd never come across any but now after a day or 2 of you and your posts I'm beginning to see that they are right.
The 'c' on a keyboard is nowhere near the 'K', so we must assume that you think that the word consent actually begins with a K

And that is, clearly, far more ignorant and ill-educated than simply getting the tense wrong in a sentence

He was previoulsy on trial at Bournemouth, but they have clearly chosen not to take him on

Possibly says it all, really.......

We can all pick holes as you did previoulsy...oops, I mean Previously.
That picture is hilarious,I wonder why nobody has posted one like it before.My sides are aching

Wasn't Keegan in the other thread (or is it Souness)?
I can read you know i dont sit here on my Valerie Singleton not knowing whats going on :icon_roll
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