Too Soft?

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Wiksteed Park

Went there last year after not having been for about fifteen years. Delighted to see that it is still a good day out for the kids even after all these years. A real hidden gem is Wicksteed Park.
Is this what our nation is becoming?

I ask this after watching X-Factor this week and watching grown men constantly crying in public, and it's seemingly encouraged. I see school children greeting each other with hugs and kisses as opposed to the old fashioned punch on the arm and dead shoulder.

I see pretentious public outpourings of grief from seemingly sensible people when a celebrity dies.

I see us taking too long to win wars because we are worried about upsetting people with an attack. I see naughty school children being diagnosed with medical conditions instead of being disciplined.

I see children not being taught the art of dealing with the inevitable failure and loss because it may upset them. I only see winners on sports day even thought they lost, is this right? Should we be taught how to lose, it's inevitable that we'll need that skill after all.

I worry that soon this country will be the equivalent of the playground weakling and that the bullies will come in and take charge because we are crying in the corner instead of dealing with the reality of real life. To succeed you need aggression, not total aggression, just a nice balance. I see just love and caring, and as Brian May said "Too Much Love Will You"

I'm also worried we'll lose the art of holding our hands up and accepting responsibility for our own actions, the blame culture is taking over, and we just want to hide from everything.

I see us worrying about the feelings of those nations that are different to us, yet I only see those that are different to us taking advantage of this weak aspect of our nature.

Are we turning into a spineless nation?

Well I agree with many of your sentiments Melton. The descent in our culture to a 'good cry' culture, has insidiously and rapidly established itself. The sunday afternoon b&w movies on TV that used to give small numbers of us a rare and ocassional good cry, have been replaced by enforced & remorseless sentimentality. The kind of crass sick-baggism that we used to take the piss out of Americans for.

As for the 'naughty children' as you (rightly) call them, until there is a genuine zero tolerance, these 'feral children' as they have even more been rightly called elsewhere will continue to blight our estates and the lives of others who are unfortunate enought to cross their paths. I may be a self-proclaimed working class hero on another thread, but that is of the decent working class. Not of the trash, for whom I do not prescribe social workers or support of any sort. They and their underclass parents are a cancer that spread and consume anything healthy around them with their vulgarity, crime, disrespect, and parasitical drain upon the resources of everything and everyone around them.

As for your points about competitive sports etc, I'm not too het up on this matter but I see your point. The competitive spirit should always be encouraged but this may not be icompatable with the things that are concerning you.
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Exactly. Decent working class people hate yobs, criminals, spongers and the like. My mission is to lead the majority. And I do.
Exactly. Decent working class people hate yobs, criminals, spongers and the like. My mission is to lead the majority. And I do.

Can you, or anybody else, define 'working class' for me?

I don't think it's a relevant term in the 21st century.
Can you, or anybody else, define 'working class' for me?

I don't think it's a relevant term in the 21st century.

Actually Macky, you are right. I used it as a term of convenience so that people would know that I am referring to anyone but the elite.
The rest, you are right, are not a single class. There is still a middle class but it has absorbed, as a per centage of the population, many more members of the population than were in it pre-war and it has ceased to be a homogenous or even semi-homogenous group. Ditto the working class in terms of being a far more diverse group than in the past - and a much smaller proportion of the population than it used to be. The days you are right have long gone when either class or classes shared much in common. There is, however, an underclass, spawn of Thatcher's Britain that grows and spreads to this day. In his day, Marx would have called them the lumpen proletariat.
There is, however, an underclass, spawn of Thatcher's Britain that grows and spreads to this day. In his day,

She have a lot to answer for, I can't wait for the street parties with the burning effigies.
She have a lot to answer for, I can't wait for the street parties with the burning effigies.

I remember going on holiday to Weymouth towards the end of Thatchers reign and the fire brigade were putting on a demo of how they would save people from a burning house. They rescued all the dummies but left about 5 dummies of Margaret Thatcher next to the window upstairs so everyone could watch her burn, everyone was loving it and cheering, being only very young at the time I didn't really understand it. I do now though.:038:
She have a lot to answer for, I can't wait for the street parties with the burning effigies.

I remember going on holiday to Weymouth towards the end of Thatchers reign and the fire brigade were putting on a demo of how they would save people from a burning house. They rescued all the dummies but left about 5 dummies of Margaret Thatcher next to the window upstairs so everyone could watch her burn, everyone was loving it and cheering, being only very young at the time I didn't really understand it. I do now though.:038:

I faught and lost in those times. I was a kid, but old enough to join in.
The social fabric was torn apart by her vicious and callous administration. Where there was hope, she truely brought dispair.
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left about 5 dummies of Margaret Thatcher next to the window upstairs so everyone could watch her burn, everyone was loving it and cheering, being only very young at the time I didn't really understand it. I do now though.:038:

She is abitch, she won't burn properly but it will be a superb day

I faught and lost in those times. I was a kid, but old enough to join in.
The social fabric was torn apart by her vicious and callous administration. Where there was hope, she truely brought dispair.

I too was an impressionable kid during those horrible days, I'm delighted that we have found a common ground consty.
Shall we storm the winter palace together?
Is anybody prepared to concede that Maggie did do some good?

Thought not :icon_sad:
If I've put someobody on my ignore list, is there anyway to block the quoted messages from them so I don't have to accidentally ingest shit?
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