Too Soft?

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1. Enough food
2. Clean water
3. No war (as such)

That puts the UK ahead of most.

But Melton is spot on IMO. The same thing is happening here.
probably because its rammed down their throats at school, rather than teaching them how to read and write.
It's too easy for 'em. Every kid knows that they can push it and push it and that there is only so much any figure of authority (including the parents) can do.

I firmly believe that this "hoodie" society is as a result of soft schooling. What happens if a kid gets into a fight at school? At the very least they get suspended. At worst they could get prosecuted by the parents of the other child or even removed from school completely.

What message does that send? The kid that threw the punch get's thrown into the "thug" category and so finds solace (sp) with his fellow "thugs". The kid that got hit knows that no matter what trouble he gets into, someone will bail him out.

I think we are breeding weak adults and that the problem will get worse before it gets better. There is no sense of responsibility from anyone, and that includes the authorities.
She is abitch, she won't burn properly but it will be a superb day

I too was an impressionable kid during those horrible days, I'm delighted that we have found a common ground consty.
Shall we storm the winter palace together?

"Common ground". Great, so long as it is anything but the centre ground. Which has been polluted, you may agree, by true blue new labour and cameron's nasty but nice new tories.

"I too was an impressionable kid during those horrible days..." I've probably shaved off a few years, I was a late teen when she came in. By the time she was gone, I was a veteran of the struggle. Against imperialism, cold war, mass unemployment, privatisation and privation.

It's good to fight and lose. It makes you humble. And at least you can hold your head up high and say the things that are bad in Britain today, that you spoke against, agitated against, faught against - and organised for something better.

There are thousands of trade unionists, miners, women, & more who have been transformed by the stuggle of those times into something better as an unitended consequence of Thatchers' revolution (given that she intended to 'break' them). But there are many thousands more languishing in the squaler of vacuous consumerism, vulgarity, alcohol, drugs and crime.

I have nothing against those things as a short-lived hobby. I've done them all. It's as a lifestyle that I object to them.
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But there are many thousands more languishing in the squaler of vacuous consumerism, vulgarity, alcohol, drugs and crime.

You do know that this is Macky you are talking to.............?
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You do know that this is Macky you are talking to.............?

note the ' a short-lived hobby, rather than a life style' part.
There are things within that list I've done, and still do. But not as a lifestyle. So the common ground is there in many ways.
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note the ' a short-lived hobby, rather than a life style' part.
There are things within that list I've done, and still do. But not as a lifestyle. So the common ground is there in many ways.

You're such a rebel...........
It's too easy for 'em. Every kid knows that they can push it and push it and that there is only so much any figure of authority (including the parents) can do.

I firmly believe that this "hoodie" society is as a result of soft schooling. What happens if a kid gets into a fight at school? At the very least they get suspended. At worst they could get prosecuted by the parents of the other child or even removed from school completely.

What message does that send? The kid that threw the punch get's thrown into the "thug" category and so finds solace (sp) with his fellow "thugs". The kid that got hit knows that no matter what trouble he gets into, someone will bail him out.

I think we are breeding weak adults and that the problem will get worse before it gets better. There is no sense of responsibility from anyone, and that includes the authorities.

I agree with your thought process but it is very rarely likely to go that far. Unless there is continuous bullying, or a child is severly beaten it will normally be along the lines of a days suspension. My missus is a teacher and regularly breaks up fights, the kids get detention or told off, if they are repeat offenders a days suspended (which to me is pointless anyway, these kids love a legit day of school). I think this is how it should be handled
But none,clearly, which took you close to a dictionary.....

We all make small mistakes. They are unimportant. Note your lack of the use of the space bar between 'none' & 'clearly'.
How many books have you written? How many pamplets? Are you published or quoted anywhere else except here? I don't do too badly in that regard for someone who doesn't rely on a dictionary 100% of the time.
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We all make small mistakes. They are unimportant. Note your lack of the use of the space bar between 'none' & 'clearly'.
How many books have you written? How many pamplets? Are you published or quoted anywhere else except here? I don't do too badly in that regard for someone who doesn't rely on a dictionary 100% of the time.

Oh gosh, that really is impressive

I hope one of your books was an autobiography, because I think it would make a fascinating read
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