Whether he's a weaker link than others is up for debate. What isn't, is the fact that the criticism of him has been massively over the top. Blackwell has got it right in the article BN posted.
He's not a winger and is being shoehorned into that position because, frankly, he's no better or worse than anyone else there. He's made some daft mistakes and he's a top dollar dickhead for his antics during lockdown but both of those statements can be attributed to other members of the squad facing far less criticism than him.
We all want a better RW. It doesn't mean that Perez is useless. He is exactly the type of squad player most clubs would like to have. Unfortunately for him, he's having to be played in every game in a position he shouldn't be playing in because, as good as our recruitment is, we have done the square root of **** all to address the massive, chasmesque hole on our right hand side.