What a load of bollux......

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After a nights contemplating and deep thought, it pains me to say so, but Rob Kelly is out of his depth.

I don't know who is available to replace him, I don't have the answers. The board shows no lack of ambition or a desire to make available any more funds, but Rob Kelly doesn't seem to be able to do anything with the players he's got.

I am 100% confident that the players can play better than they are doing, so they need to accept responsibilty for that. Rob Kelly is ultimately responsible for getting the players to play better, so he needs to accept that responsibility. The board are ultimately responsible for Rob Kelly not being able to get the players playing to the best of their abilities, so they need to accept responsiblity for that. However, they may well be accepting responsibility, in which case excellent. But FFS do something about it, take action, all of you!!!!!

Where the players are innocent is formation, tactics and substitutions, Rob Kelly must take responsibilty for this and again, falling back to the board for ultimate responsibility.

As we know, our current board are all share holders and they have a greater interest in their "full time" businesses. When a decision needs making, somebody needs to make it, and fast. How easy is it for the current board to arrange a short noticed meeting on non match days when all are present. I don't know, but I suspect not very and as a result decisions get delayed.

I want to know who is responsible for me not enjoying watching my football team, and what they intend to do about it
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I know the bloke saved us last season, but even the last few matches of last season we were dire and this campaign is no better, I sit just up from our dugout and many times this season there has looked to be a abject
"what can we do now" expression from the bench.
I see it as a tactical weakness, they only know one system of play and when that goes "tits up" we are bereft of ideas.

We play as a completely disorganised rabble, and god help us against the more organised and more tactically aware
teams in this Division, we have played some very average sides so far and got nothing out of them, Sunderland was a surprise but surprises are going to be few and far between as far as I can see.
i want lionel blair in as manager. he could get them doing close formation dance routines if the football isn't going well.
After a nights contemplating and deep thought, it pains me to say so, but Rob Kelly is out of his depth.

I don't know who is available to replace him, I don't have the answers. The board shows no lack of ambition or a desire to make available any more funds, but Rob Kelly doesn't seem to be able to do anything with the players he's got.

I am 100% confident that the players can play better than they are doing, so they need to accept responsibilty for that. Rob Kelly is ultimately responsible for getting the players to play better, so he needs to accept that responsibility. The board are ultimately responsible for Rob Kelly not being able to get the players playing to the best of their abilities, so they need to accept responsiblity for that. However, they may well be accepting responsibility, in which case excellent. But FFS do something about it, take action, all of you!!!!!

Where the players are innocent is formation, tactics and substitutions, Rob Kelly must take responsibilty for this and again, falling back to the board for ultimate responsibility.

As we know, our current board are all share holders and they have a greater interest in their "full time" businesses. When a decision needs making, somebody needs to make it, and fast. How easy is it for the current board to arrange a short noticed meeting on non match days when all are present. I don't know, but I suspect not very and as a result decisions get delayed.

I want to know who is responsible for me not enjoying watching my football team, and what they intend to do about it

I know a guy who works in the music industry, works in one of the bookings departments for one of the big labels, and he has had dealing with City recently over the whole music gigs thing, and he said that trying to get a decision from the board is almost impossible, because of the number of people who have to get together and agree it. It's a farce
I think Kelly will be gone by Christmas if this continues
It will be, I don't expect this farce to continue beyond the end of October
getting rid of RK is not going to help ,in fact it could be the final nail in LCFC coffin how Meany more mangers do we have to have before the board get the fact that its them not the manger that is at fault here :102:

if RK had got the money needed im sure we would have got the players we need and not just anyone on a free or very Little and as the saying goes you get what you pay for and in football this is very true ,OK every now and then you can find a star from a lower league but there are very few .

to get a player that is any good you got to have anywhere from 500k up-wards and the fact we haven't got 50p is down to the board and the poor ruining of the club .

the club knew the payments where going to stop wheres the plan to cover this loss ive seen nothing so far that will encourage people to come and watch city week in week out apart from people that will renew every year like myself and alot of you on here (we must be mad :icon_lol: ) and even that number is going down slowly

there is only one way out of this mess IMO and that is we need someone like MM to come in and take over ASAP and save our club unless this happens soon we could be a div1 club or worst still kill the club dead
getting rid of RK is not going to help ,in fact it could be the final nail in LCFC coffin how Meany more mangers do we have to have before the board get the fact that its them not the manger that is at fault here :102:

i don't think we should gwet rid of him yet. I just think if this form contines then we will have no choice but to get rid of him.
Rob Kelly isn't getting the players to perform. They are decent players. That isn't the boards fault
not having a go at you here mate but how the hell are we going to get a new manger if we sack RK and MS when we have not got any money at all too......................................

1 pay them off (RK and MS)
2 bring a new man in

People were saying that about Levein this time last year. We sacked him and as a result we stayed in this division. So i don't know who we should bring in, but we'll find someone who can get better out of these players i'm sure
After a nights contemplating and deep thought, it pains me to say so, but Rob Kelly is out of his depth.

I posted similar a few weeks ago. RK is a nice bloke that was encouraged to take the job by most, on the back of us lifting out of the drop zone last season. RK was also the cheap option which suited the club because of the financial position. IMO the club should have thanked RK in the summer and looked for a more experienced manager to guide the club through difficult times. I don't believe he ever really wanted the job in the first place, but may have took it because he himself was surprised by how the team reacted after CL departure. Now that the honeymoon period is over and he his left to get on with the proper managing of the football club, he his found wanting. IMO the WBA game said quite alot about RK. This wasn't an easy game but to go to a venue like that and play for a point is not good enough. I don't have anything against this bloke but he belongs in a tracksuit on the training ground. The next 3 games against stronger opponents will prove whether i'm wrong.
People were saying that about Levein this time last year. We sacked him and as a result we stayed in this division. So i don't know who we should bring in, but we'll find someone who can get better out of these players i'm sure

ture but the problem this time around is we have even less money than when CL was here and dont forget Rk was head coach at that time so the club didnt have to pay for him as such he was already here at city :102:
see my above post :icon_wink
I don't know the answers, but I know the problems.

The board is full of business men, they are experts, so I expect them to have the answers. Just because we don't know them, it doesn't mean the board don't.

Jonathon Ross knows a good film from a bad film. He can tell you where the director has gone wrong and what he needs to do differently to attract the audiences attention. However, he isn't qualified to actually carry out these changes, just because he doesn't know how to make the changes it doesn't mean he is wrong.

Our club is run by "experts" just because we can't see the answers, it doesn't mean there aren't any.

If this is what we have to be satisfied with and there is no room for improvement, and nothing can be done to change it then as far as I'm concerned they can all f*ck off
ture but the problem this time around is we have even less money than when CL was here and dont forget Rk was head coach at that time so the club didnt have to pay for him as such he was already here at city :102:

Well, i dont know :frown: ....

All i think is that if this orm continues then we should just consider a new manager, i'm not saying he should go right now, just is we're still in this position by the end of November or something
I don't know the answers, but I know the problems.

The board is full of business men, they are experts, so I expect them to have the answers. Just because we don't know them, it doesn't mean the board don't.

Jonathon Ross knows a good film from a bad film. He can tell you where the director has gone wrong and what he needs to do differently to attract the audiences attention. However, he isn't qualified to actually carry out these changes, just because he doesn't know how to make the changes it doesn't mean he is wrong.

Our club is run by "experts" just because we can't see the answers, it doesn't mean there aren't any.

If this is what we have to be satisfied with and there is no room for improvement, and nothing can be done to change it then as far as I'm concerned they can all f*ck off

I know what your saying melts and agree im just worried we wont get anyone better than RK at this point in time :102:

Well, i dont know :frown: ....

All i think is that if this orm continues then we should just consider a new manager, i'm not saying he should go right now, just is we're still in this position by the end of November or something

if we are in this position by November we've had it IMO
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