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I am looking but it is so hard to find one, any tips?

Yes. Don't be unemployed in 2009. Not wanting to put a damper on your spirits, but right now every job you go for is being eyed up by dozens if not hundreds of people, even the shit ones.

Apply for a minimum of 150 jobs, I'm not joking. That way, maybe 15 will actually contact you and interview you, and you'll be in with a chance.

Don't wear trainers to an interview.

Don't bring pets to an interview.

Don't tweak your interviewer's nose.

Don't - and this is the most important of all - ever use employment agencies. Always always always apply direct to the employer. If this isn't possible, forget the job. It probably doesn't exist. Otherwise you're wasting your time.

Hope this helps.
Yes. Don't be unemployed in 2009. Not wanting to put a damper on your spirits, but right now every job you go for is being eyed up by dozens if not hundreds of people, even the shit ones.

Apply for a minimum of 150 jobs, I'm not joking. That way, maybe 15 will actually contact you and interview you, and you'll be in with a chance.

Don't wear trainers to an interview.

Don't bring pets to an interview.

Don't tweak your interviewer's nose.

Don't - and this is the most important of all - ever use employment agencies. Always always always apply direct to the employer. If this isn't possible, forget the job. It probably doesn't exist. Otherwise you're wasting your time.

Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot mate, very useful points.

I have applied for a few jobs but I am so unflexible for working times as I have school all week and then week ends I go Leicester on Sat and play at 2:30 on Sun !!

Thank God for £30 a week EMA next year !!
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Thanks a lot mate, very useful points.

I have applied for a few jobs but I am so unflexible for working times as I have school all week and then week ends I go Leicester on Sat and play at 2:30 on Sun !!

Thank God for £30 a week EMA next year !!

Also, don't make up words.

I hope you live with more understanding parents than I did - £30 a week??
Also, don't make up words.
I hope you live with more understanding parents than I did - £30 a week??

:icon_bigg Sorry, I couldn't think of any other words.

Yep, £30 a week for going sixth form. Encourages people to stay on apparently, I don't really give a shite though its 30 quid a week !! With hundred pounds bonus every few months if your attendace is good.
Yep, £30 a week for going sixth form. Encourages people to stay on apparently, I don't really give a shite though its 30 quid a week !! With hundred pounds bonus every few months if your attendace is good.

**** me, money for old rope. Mind you, it's been £30 a week since I was your age ten years ago. £30 then bought a lot more than it does now...
:icon_bigg Sorry, I couldn't think of any other words.

Yep, £30 a week for going sixth form. Encourages people to stay on apparently, I don't really give a shite though its 30 quid a week !! With hundred pounds bonus every few months if your attendace is good.

Have you been approved for this yet? You do know it is means tested and your parents must earn less than 30k a year joint? If you have then great, just didn't want you getting your hopes up!
Have you been approved for this yet? You do know it is means tested and your parents must earn less than 30k a year joint? If you have then great, just didn't want you getting your hopes up!

So almost nothing about it has changed since 1999? Even JSA's gone up two shilling.
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I am looking but it is so hard to find one, any tips?

Many of the A-Level students that have attended schools where I have worked have been employed by local supermarkets. I realise that these are not glamour jobs, but are popular amongst students.
Many of the A-Level students that have attended schools where I have worked have been employed by local supermarkets. I realise that these are not glamour jobs, but are popular amongst students.

Yeah thanks, I have applied at a couple of supermarkets I just hope I get a reply.
Thanks a lot mate, very useful points.

I have applied for a few jobs but I am so unflexible for working times as I have school all week and then week ends I go Leicester on Sat and play at 2:30 on Sun !!

Thank God for £30 a week EMA next year !!

Make sure you work hard then, us taxpayers are paying you. The least you can do is get good grades. Don't spend it on drinking and shagging women.........on second thoughts!

Make sure you work hard then, us taxpayers are paying you. The least you can do is get good grades. Don't spend it on drinking and shagging women.........on second thoughts!

Cause not :icon_lol::icon_wink

It is so nice of all you to be paying for my education. Thanks.
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