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no, no, we must not share... its our precious picture. Besides, it would only make them feel inferior :icon_lol:

This is true.

i fear for his safety, i cant hear his solicitor knocking up a couple of restraining orders as we speak:icon_conf:icon_bigg

He needs locking away, for OUR sanity, never mind his safety!

:icon_lol: we're not that bad...

No we aren't.
I know women who do a lot more than drool over pictures of Leicester players, now THEY are scary the lengths they go to in finding out stuff about them.

I'm quite happy seeing Matt amble around the pitch and looking delectable, it makes my working week more bearable knowing I get to see some eye candy at the weekend!
While we're on the subject...

...Cheryl Cole was just on Swedish TV and I don't care what it cost them to bring her here - that was excellent value for licence money.
Like 'em with a bit of meat on their bones do you BF? :icon_lol:

Hey, there's nowt wrong with admitting when you think a lass is pretty. And you'd be a blind idiot to say she isn't. Or very very jealous of her. Which I'm not of course. :icon_lol:

I wouldn't want her accent or her husband though.:081:

edit: That photo is enough to give a slightly overweight person nightmares.
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You're jesting ain't ya?

It's a horrid accent!( No offence Fitz, yours is lovely ahem)

On a par with Brummie and Scouse.

Talking of accents, I met up with a Baggie mate for a few pre-match pints last week, and one of her mates thought I was a bloody Londoner! I was insulted.
Logged on to see what the Leicester score is but forgot we're an hour in front in France - doh!

Arrived at the tunnel early but they're running late. At least there's free wifi here so I'm hoping for good commentary in the match thread from you all.
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P Pld Pts
2Manchester C  614
5Aston Villa613
8Tottenham 610
10Nottm F69
12Manchester U67
14West Ham65

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