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I have completed all the terrorists hunt maps on the "realistic" setting. Ultimately earning myself an achievement and 50 Gamer Points thrown in for good measure.

A productive day.
Fraid not, taking Mrs SJN so we're hotel based. Just booked a 5 day package with Camel Club.
Not far off H. We can actually get the train from Narborough all the way to Singapore, and do it relatively cheaply.

We go from London to Brussels then to Cologne and on to Moscow. From there we get the trans-Siberian to Beijing via Irkutsk and Ulan Bataar. Travel around China and hopefully get the ferry to Japan from Shanghai before returning and heading south towards Hong Kong and then into Vietnam. Work our way down the Ho Chi Minh, skip through Cambodia and into Thailand where we will stick around for a couple of months.

Then we will head down to Malaysia and Singapore where we will get our first flight to Sydney. Buy a car and travel around for another three months, perhaps picking up some work along the way. Hopefully it will be Christmas time when we are here so we can experience Christmas dinner on the beach etc. And then get to Sydney for New Year.

Leave Oz and fly to New Zealand. Stay here for a few weeks doing whatever until ready to fly to Buenos Aires.

Here we are going to bus it all the way from Argentina, into Chile and work our way up through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and into Columbia.

Depending on how dodgy it is in Columbia we will either fly or continue to drive up to Panama where we will resume our overland effort and head up through the Central Americas, ending up in Mexico.

We have now decided to not fly to LA but to drive as we want to cross the Mexican border. We will then go to San Diego, buy a car and drive up to LA, Vegas, San Fran and then set across towards the east coast. Call in at Denver to visit my brother, then down to Dallas, New Orleans, up to Memphis and Nashville, across to Charlotte and Richmond then head north. Take in Washington and Philadelphia before arriving at our final destination New York. There we will sell the car and get our last flight home.

Touch down in London, get the train to Leicester and then to Narborough, finishing a 14 month long journey exactly where we started it.
I reckon you'll die on that trip and they'll make a film about you starring Brian Blessed and Martin Clunes.
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excellent stuff, you're a lucky fecker.
If you don't mind Singth, roughly how much is it costing? PM if you'd prefer

We have budgeted £8,000 for the lot. That includes all travel, accomodation, food and spendo as well as visa's, vaccinations, insurance and the kit we need to take.

We will try and travel at night where possible so we don't have to pay for a room. This works really well for the train and is why we are doing the Trans-Siberian route. We have budgeted £20 a day for China for food, accom etc and this train route takes 17 days. This means we would spend £340 in China for that duration and the train cost from London is £470. In effect we are travelling to China for £130. Not bad.

Japan is the big stinger, it's about £45-65 a day there so even if we do manage to get there it will only be a short stay. But again, the ferry takes three nights to get there and costs £150 return so it might be worth going for a couple of days.

Thailand is cheap as chips and you can survive there for between £5 and £10 a day. Oz is quite pricey but if we get some work then that should help.

South America is good (£15 a day) so a couple of months there shouldn't raid our funds too much. As long as when we get to San Diego we have about £1500 each left then we should be OK. That's about $6000 and we can get a good car for $2000. The fuel cost is about $1500 which will leave us enough to live on for a couple of months.
We have budgeted £8,000 for the lot. That includes all travel, accomodation, food and spendo as well as visa's, vaccinations, insurance and the kit we need to take.

We will try and travel at night where possible so we don't have to pay for a room. This works really well for the train and is why we are doing the Trans-Siberian route. We have budgeted £20 a day for China for food, accom etc and this train route takes 17 days. This means we would spend £340 in China for that duration and the train cost from London is £470. In effect we are travelling to China for £130. Not bad.

Japan is the big stinger, it's about £45-65 a day there so even if we do manage to get there it will only be a short stay. But again, the ferry takes three nights to get there and costs £150 return so it might be worth going for a couple of days.

Thailand is cheap as chips and you can survive there for between £5 and £10 a day. Oz is quite pricey but if we get some work then that should help.

South America is good (£15 a day) so a couple of months there shouldn't raid our funds too much. As long as when we get to San Diego we have about £1500 each left then we should be OK. That's about $6000 and we can get a good car for $2000. The fuel cost is about $1500 which will leave us enough to live on for a couple of months.

Wow you've planned it alot more thoroughly that I would have! Fair play I am very very jealous
We have budgeted £8,000 for the lot. That includes all travel, accomodation, food and spendo as well as visa's, vaccinations, insurance and the kit we need to take.

We will try and travel at night where possible so we don't have to pay for a room. This works really well for the train and is why we are doing the Trans-Siberian route. We have budgeted £20 a day for China for food, accom etc and this train route takes 17 days. This means we would spend £340 in China for that duration and the train cost from London is £470. In effect we are travelling to China for £130. Not bad.

Japan is the big stinger, it's about £45-65 a day there so even if we do manage to get there it will only be a short stay. But again, the ferry takes three nights to get there and costs £150 return so it might be worth going for a couple of days.

What a fantiastic experience! You have planned something that will enrich your life forever. Bon Voyage young man!

Thailand is cheap as chips and you can survive there for between £5 and £10 a day. Oz is quite pricey but if we get some work then that should help.

South America is good (£15 a day) so a couple of months there shouldn't raid our funds too much. As long as when we get to San Diego we have about £1500 each left then we should be OK. That's about $6000 and we can get a good car for $2000. The fuel cost is about $1500 which will leave us enough to live on for a couple of months.
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