Search results

  1. Nightguard

    The NHS

    Did anyone know there recently was a mass march from Jarrow to London regarding the way parts of the NHS are being sold off and run down. They even passed through Leicester. There were around 200,000 of them finished up at Travalger Square Apparently the BBC and Sky news missed it as did most of...
  2. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    could be interesting for anyone who is involved with and concerned about disability or mental health issues.
  3. Nightguard

    Charity Football tournament Event Looking for teams.

    Anyone interested in forming a Talking Balls team for a Charity Football Tournament? Or if you know any businesses that are able to put a side together. Good for advertising opportunities, They are also looking for volunteers to help out and be referees for anyone who wants to give it a go. It...
  4. Nightguard

    The Safe House returns

    Where's the real ale?
  5. Nightguard

    Post Match Leicester City 5 Bolton Wanderers 3

    Good win. Nail biting stuff. And can the table on the right be updated. i was thinking we had slipped back to 3rd.
  6. Nightguard

    A Wondeful Life

    Get your hankies ready or share your missus' if she is busy cooking your dinner.
  7. Nightguard

    2013 TB Awards

    I've only started posting again the last couple of months so I don't know who the front runners and favourites are.
  8. Nightguard

    100 best footballers 2013

  9. Nightguard

    2013 TB Awards categories!

    I concede defeat in all categories..
  10. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    The jeering was disgusting behavior. I volunteer for action Homeless via DNO News Agency and since the beginning of the year we have found over 600 stories regarding homelessness and related issues, few have been mentioned by the mainstream media. Friday night was a special showing of Its a...
  11. Nightguard

    A Wondeful Life

    Saw its A wonderful life tonight (Friday) thought it quite good. Cheesy ending. good family film some funny bits and some cheesy bits. Its on TV over Xmas try and watch it. There was a full house so the donations was good for Action Homeless.
  12. Nightguard

    The Safe House returns

    I'm starting off pesimistic anyway but no dobt extra supplies will be needed.
  13. Nightguard

    The Safe House returns

    y sorry
  14. Nightguard

    The Safe House returns

    I put the jinx on them. Was watching the game in the Slug. Just after half time I took my jumper off revealing my City shirt. a couple of minutes later burnley scored. I apologise.
  15. Nightguard

    How Are People Feeling Today?

    Merry xmas to all talking balls out there.
  16. Nightguard

    Train help. (Again)

    I went lake District in November (Edinb train) and it was just over 60. If i had booked it 28 days it would have been thirty something. Although that is with a senior Railcard. So 50-60 sound about right.
  17. Nightguard

    Restaurant Help

    Thanks. Saves me pulling it by myself.
  18. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    Why does a four year old want a special edition of a Xbox? And how long would it last after being smashed against the wall a few times.
  19. Nightguard

    The Safe House returns

    Any real ale?
  20. Nightguard

    Restaurant Help

    I was thinking about finding somewhere Xmas day as I'm on my own. I have a brother in Leicester but he may go to his inlaws or have them over. He could also ask me a day or so before which makes my decision harder. Not too fussed anyway. Get a bit of buffet stuuf and I'll be OK. Its only one day.
  21. Nightguard

    Deathlist 2013-14 Banter Thread

    He has to say that publicy.
  22. Nightguard

    Deathlist 2013-14 Banter Thread

    Neither. both indicate violence and he was against that. How about educater?
  23. Nightguard

    Match Thread Leicester v Millwall

    Burnley have scored
  24. Nightguard

    Match Thread Leicester v Millwall

    Was fan club have been told to shut up by the stewards.
  25. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread I'm the good looking one :)
  26. Nightguard

    How Are People Feeling Today?

    It may add something if they have two dogs. Brian the intellegent one and Vinny with an attitude problem. They could get a few paradies out of them two. Brian and Stewie is old had. A third character might put a different slant on storylines. The brought Dirty Den back so why not Brian.
  27. Nightguard

    Top 250 Movies.

    Not done it myself yet. Had to go out. The first one is also my favourite.
  28. Nightguard

    Top 250 Movies.

    How many have you seen?
  29. Nightguard

    A Wondeful Life

    On 20th DEC the phoenix is showing a wonderful life. Entry is by food donation. Details on their website.
  30. Nightguard

    How Are People Feeling Today?

    Busy day, Coffee Republic News Cafe, Apex DNO meeting, Radio Leicester Media Training (all welcome to 3 events) Then tonight donimoes at Kings Head V Criterion.
  31. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    not me
  32. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    This is sort of random
  33. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    The Xmas annual is not on my wish list I must confess.
  34. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    I will try and make my next 'random' video more ran dome and to your taste. :icon_razz
  35. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    Its quite easy to write for the Mail. Just blame anyone less well off than you and foreigners, especially the French. :056:
  36. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    I define inappropriate as racist,homophobic,stereotyping etc. I will not be posting anything of that type. I will however, if permitted be trying to bust the myths and misconceptions that are put about by sections of the media. I was mystified by the response to the video as it was very well...
  37. Nightguard

    How Are People Feeling Today?

    I am sure there are righties that do charity work too.
  38. Nightguard

    Random News Article Thread

    The Mail panders to its readership as I am sure other newspapers do to some extent.
  39. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    If the mods think it is inappropriate then I don't mind if they remove it. There are hwoever others that do care so in a democracy they should have a voice too. I did notice that there was a link to the Mail in the news thread. Is that the only viewpoint allowed? I appologise if showing the...
  40. Nightguard

    The Random Video Thread

    define a random video who decides what others want to see?