Allen Gone!!!

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I didn't think we were taking that many

Never ceases to amaze me how many complete tossers are out there

personally i dont blame the fans for wanting to know the reasons why the mananger and his staff have been sacked after all we pay everyones wages..but i also know that we wont get to know the real reason(s) and will continue to be treated like mushrooms and still expect to go to games
personally i dont blame the fans for wanting to know the reasons why the mananger and his staff have been sacked after all we pay everyones wages..but i also know that we wont get to know the real reason(s) and will continue to be treated like mushrooms and still expect to go to games

I fully accept that - but a "Bring Back Martin Allen" poster is the concept of the mentally ill
Sounds like your having a go at me:081:

Not my thought.

Not having a go at you at all... :icon_bigg

Of course MM will take notice of a few posters saying we want MA back and hire him immediately... ludicrous :icon_roll At the end of the day, he owns the club and he makes the decisions and a few fans protesting isnt going to have any effect.
MA is a pit-bull/Jack Russell cross. MM is a Doberman. The first can be attractive, showy and apparently friendly, if aggressive at times, is mouthy,does amusing tricks, but is pretty stupid and apt to bite when it's best to stay in muzzle. The second is canny, measured, and deadly when crossed. These two dogs are best placed in different kennels.
I don't for a moment think that something physical went on last night. But I have a shrewd suspicion,more than that, that something else did.
The Doberman had to act quickly, because the damage was maybe getting too costly. So it grabbed a throat.
I don't like either of them.
I feel sorry for the mongrels who have to play for us, and are so anxious to please.
I feel sorry for us lurchers, the fans, who lurch from crisis to crisis.
But, tell you what - this club isn't boring. It's just barking :)

Innocent, your analogy was in turns amusing and a neat illustration, a rare acheivement. Thanks, enjoyed it.
We can only wonder that 'something else' went on as you say and what it might have been. It must have been serious AND one would presume there was a background of other incidents behind the scenes on top in the last few weeks as well. Failing that, as I've said on another post it can only be due to a clash of personalities and the Chairman would rightly take flak if it is only for that because we would expect the Chairman to keep out of the way and let the manager manage - and judge him by results alone. If there were serious incidents however behind the dismissal, this is another matter.
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I take a day off from the world and one of our players has had, not one, but two heart attacks, our manager has walked (is that now 4 managers in 4 months?!?) and our fans are planning a protest against the chairman.

Life's never been dull as a city fan has it!

Whatever next...
Two days left of the transfer window, MM is losing potential players left right and centre as they either don't want to play for MA or MA doesn't want them.

MM is desperate to get some high profile names, maybe, just maybe one or two of them said "Get rid of MA and we'l play for you, as long as he's your Manager, I won't be coming".

Just a theory

There is a difference between a theory and wishful thinking!
Not posted for ages as nothing has been worth it.

I know that the papers were spreading this around for about ten days about MA and MM, but nothing that I had heard suggested that there was a big enough problem to resort to getting rid of him!! It was easy to see that two personalities as big as those two were going to clash, but even up to Monday evening MA was on Sky saying that they had disagreements but it was only healthy and got on very well, even MM going to his house for dinner a few night earlier.

The official line from MM is that they had different opinions on the direction of the football club. The original 'three year plan' seems to have been reduced to this season with some of MM's comments. I think that MA wanted to build the squad gradually making promotion only a reality next season, but give a bloody good go this, results have been mixed and so have the performances, but that is only to be expected with so much that is new.

MA on the front of it was just what this club needed from the PR point of view, down to earth bloke that brought the fun back to the club, came across very well to the fans and wanted the club to be one big happy family, staff, players and all. Some of the 'blogs' regarding training were a great read and a great idea, but maybe the methods MA was using were seen as too 'lower league' by MM to be able to be taken seriously by better quality players that are here and also who MM would like to be signing like JFH??

I am pissed off about the whole thing as I thought we might actually get some stability this season, but why all the fecking MM haters??? We know feck all about what has gone on so why cause more problems by going for the chairman, if he walks away we are ****ED.
He saw he had made a mistake in his opinion and had the bottle to change it sooner rather than later, if rumours are right about MA' 'Bully' tactics then it is for the greater good.

I just hope that MM does not go back on his word and sign up the w*nker that is Colin!!
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