Board Out, Kelly Out, Stowell Out

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you havent answered my question I didnt ask have they put money in the past to get the club cheaply. I will ask again.

I asked are they garuanteeing the clubs well been with personal wealth? ie. putting money in NOT for shares. I am assuming the answer is no if you sidestep the question again or dont respond and if it is no why should MM garuantee with his personal welath if the current board are not?

Different standards for different owners?

yes, we wouldn't exist without their money. the cuts in wage budgets is also evidence they are working to balance the books

Its widely accepted that MM 'investment' will mostly be loans. this is riskier than the current board trying to run the club 'within it means'.

since we are going round in circles, this will be my last post on the subject.

nice try though :icon_roll
Kelly out... but who will Milan replace him with???

I'd say somebody like Ray Graydon wouldn't be a complete nightmare. Forgot where he went to now after last season - that's the reason we stayed up IMO :tumbleweed:
I think Graydon lives down south, and travelling up here every day was too much for him. Could be wrong though.
you just been childish now, resorting to stupid comments because you couldnt answer a question.

i did answer your question, not my fault if you didn't ask it properly first time. you said nothing about the relevance of shares initially.
so your answer was they made an initial investment for shares after then no further money has been put in.

This is the same as milan is doing assuming he was to invest nothing else but he is been asked for garuantuees using his personal wealth to ensure the club never goes under.
so your answer was they made an initial investment for shares after then no further money has been put in.

This is the same as milan is doing assuming he was to invest nothing else but he is been asked for garuantuees using his personal wealth to ensure the club never goes under.

If he takes the club into deeper debt and doesn't succeed we could end up not having a club any more. We could get into deeper and deeper debt trying to chase the premiership dream, so he can recoup his money, like Jessel placing bigger and bigger bets trying to win back his losses.

At least under the current structure no one person is able to act in a reckless way, reducing the risk.
If he takes the club into deeper debt and doesn't succeed we could end up not having a club any more. We could get into deeper and deeper debt trying to chase the dream.


Anyone seen Leeds United lately?
If he takes the club into deeper debt and doesn't succeed we could end up not having a club any more. We could get into deeper and deeper debt trying to chase the premiership dream, so he can recoup his money, like Jessel placing bigger and bigger bets trying to win back his losses.

At least under the current structure no one person is able to act in a reckless way, reducing the risk.

But the club is never able to gain serious funding due to the maximum amount of shares available for investment. And the decision making process is slow with so many people with an input... Have seen it in action in other businesses.
But the club is never able to gain serious funding due to the maximum amount of shares available for investment.
And the decision making process is slow with so many people with an input... Have seen it in action in other businesses.

Lots of companies and football clubs have many more shareholders than us and it doesn't harm them.

The problem is not the structure of the club, it's poor management and weak leadership.
But the club is never able to gain serious funding due to the maximum amount of shares available for investment.

This 10% maximum investment business, is this a club rule or is it as a result of legislation?
Lots of companies and football clubs have many more shareholders than us and it doesn't harm them.

The problem is not the structure of the club, it's poor management and weak leadership.

Are we officially a PLC? I thought we were still a Ltd company. Football PLC's could have thousands of shareholders, where we have 48 with specific criterias on maximum shareholding, which means to gain serious extra funding we have one of three choices:-

1). Get as many 500k investors as possible.

2). Sell players for a decent amount of money (Last done with Connolly)

3). Actually get the playing side to play football and get promoted to the premiership.

Your second point is certainly not in question.

We are now in a situation where both options are a serious gamble. MM is the unknown and literally anything can happen, or refuse his bid and hope for the best...
Are we officially a PLC? I thought we were still a Ltd company. Football PLC's could have thousands of shareholders, where we have 48 with specific criterias on maximum shareholding, which means to gain serious extra funding we have one of three choices:-

1). Get as many 500k investors as possible.

2). Sell players for a decent amount of money (Last done with Connolly)

3). Actually get the playing side to play football and get promoted to the premiership.

Your second point is certainly not in question.

We are now in a situation where both options are a serious gamble. MM is the unknown and literally anything can happen, or refuse his bid and hope for the best...

1) Hasn't happened so far, don't see why it should now

2) We don't have any

3) Hahahahahahahahahaha

4) Oh bugger, there isn't a 4

Sorry, just my thoughts

yours faithfully

It was a decision the consortium made when they put in their bid to take us out of administration.

was it 'advised' or required by the administrator do we know?

is that something an administrator could stipulate?
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