Carl Cort Confirmed

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In our position, even with the new cash injection, we are never going to attract world class talent, or even second tier Premiership talent.

The reality is we have to gamble on no-marks, has beens or might be's and hope and pray some sort of magic happens.
Once again we're gradually going back to the 'who can Leicester actually attract' argument? We are officially a poor Championship side, Cort and N'Gotty probably will be the best we will get this summer. It's going to be a gradual process that will probably take two seasons to be challenging in this league.

As for the wages, let MM worry about that, he's no mug and he'll know what he can and cant afford
I don't know whether he's any good or not, I'm just arguing with the one goal every three games stat several people have quoted. His record over the last 18 months suggests he's not the player he was. Also I'm sure he would have received a signing on fee and will be on decent wages. I'd rather spend the money on up and coming youngsters than someone who may turn out to be another Nathan Blake.
We've gone down the road of signing ageing average players under MA1, and it didn't work. If we're going to sign ageing players they should be proven top class players, not the likes of Cort.

Agree with you J, just I think he could have a half decent signing and maybe get into double figures. If so then it would be great, but as said before if not, it is not massive loss. Would have rather have seen us sign Best on a free but I still reckon IMcL is on his way who will be higher in the pecking order than both of them anyway. I just see Cort as being signed as back-up and a different option.

To be honest, I'm much more excited about seeing this Sappleton geezer in action, now he could be a real rough diamond! :)
Well if there is one thing we've missed for the past 2/3 years its a decent target man or at least the option off the bench to change a game.

I don't know how good he currently is but I always thought he was a decent player, certainly at this level anyway and with him alongside a Fryatt/Hume type player would not be a bad thing, we need someone of that nature for either of those two to be at their best.
Since the MA1 days, why does everyone think that all players over 30 are past it? :102:
Not overwhelmed, but it's defo better than we had last year. I'm not looking for miracles I'm looking for improvement, and so far I "think" the new signings will improve us.

Judgement is reserved, but so far I'm neither excited nor disappointed. I'm content
Not overwhelmed, but it's defo better than we had last year. I'm not looking for miracles I'm looking for improvement, and so far I "think" the new signings will improve us.

Judgement is reserved, but so far I'm neither excited nor disappointed. I'm content

I'm desperately trying to remain optimistic but its hard for me at the best of times:)
Not overwhelmed, but it's defo better than we had last year. I'm not looking for miracles I'm looking for improvement, and so far I "think" the new signings will improve us.

Judgement is reserved, but so far I'm neither excited nor disappointed. I'm content

well put
Not overwhelmed, but it's defo better than we had last year. I'm not looking for miracles I'm looking for improvement, and so far I "think" the new signings will improve us.

Judgement is reserved, but so far I'm neither excited nor disappointed. I'm content

I Feel the same. rather than filling me with confidence, events so far just leave me with a big..

When I first saw the title of this thread I thought he had belatedly found Jesus.

Not a bad acquisition IMO. As I & others have said before, we need a fair number of new faces to replace the departures plus have enough to field a reserve team and be able to make changes to the first team as well for tactical / form reasons. It's inevitable that most will either be in the "done it before, might be able to again" or "possibly up and coming" category.
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