Cheltenham Away

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Should've been 5-0. Nowt wrong with Howard's goal.

Cracking free kick from Fryatt. Dyer was my MOTM. Defence could've had a tea party and not worried about conceding a goal.

Ref was a twonk.

Stewards were utter tossers. One of our blokes was arrested at the game and we had to leave without him as they weren't going to release him til 8pm. Why was he arrested? Because his son was having a crafty cig in the gents. As soon as he was told off he put it out and apologised, but the big fat steward grabbed him by the throat and his dad wasn't too impressed! But from people who saw what happened in the Gents, he certainly didn't do anything to be manhandled and arrested like he was.
As he was being took out to be handed over to the coppers, one steward said the other, 'Tell the cops that he hit you'.
The lad heard him say that and said loud enough that it was 'a f*cking lie*
It's a shame, because the stewards were the only bad thing about the day, and that fat tosser was the worst of the lot. Not just because of that incident, but how he spoke to fans in general.

I've come to the conclusion that most stewards have a lobotomy before donning their yellow jackets.

Saw that incident from a distance, so no ability to comment, but the stewards near me were excellent and even went up to Jobber's mates after the game and congratulated them on being the "best entertainment we've had here in years."

Overall, I haven't enjoyed myself at football as much as that for years and years. Another top display following on from Wednesday with all of the attributes that you can look for in a team. On top of that, the fans were superb and clearly enjoyed their day. I know I did!
Cheltenham were totally and utter pants. But I'll take that result any day of the week and that second half performance.

Cracking day out too in the spa town of Cheltenham.

The stewards in our part 'The Print2' Stand were superb and I thought the Cheltenham fans and officials were a credit today. I am sure the tale of the blokes whose minibus was taken off em will live on for a bit, I wonder how they got home.

Bugger! I have been caught in two pics on our picture special on the OS.
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Thats only a good thing if you count Leeds as probable title winners, which i certainly don't.

To be honest I dont quite see why anyone would.

I remember the sheer cynicism and nastyness of the Leeds team of Don Revie. Bob Stokoe claimed they tried to bribe him in a promotion game. Brian Clough was convinced they had bribed at least one referee. I also remember the hostility toward Brian Clough and his sacking when he tried to clean up the club. For me Leeds are lower than Forest and lower than Derby. I support two clubs: first Leicester second whoever is playing Leeds.
It's quite clear that DJ Campbell is one of these bad eggs. The players simply don't get along with him...Dyer gave some abuse at one point.

Was it along the lines of;''DJ, you are are useless and utterly superfluous to this team's attept to play football and win matches. You are weak, have no goalscoring instinct or positional sense and you aren't even that quick. Now **** off.''
whatever way you look at it, these are happy days indeed in comparison to last season.

upsides for me:

- a vocal, happy support - taking all the away tickets available
- the likelihood that Porter, Mattock, O'Neill, King, Gradel, Wesolowski and perhaps even more home grown players will be important for us this season. Having 6 or 8 home grown playes instead of having to buy them will SAVE us financially if they can promote us at the same time as gradually driving crowds back over 25k. That's money in the bank to kick on next season.
- a manager who makes decent decisions and makes substitutions before the horse has bolted ie gradel for fryatt on wednesday.
- spotting GOOD as opposed to SHITE young talent. For instance - there is a ridiculous difference between the quality of Morrison, Hobbs, Gilbert, Gradel, Dyer, Adams and apparently O'Neill as opposed to Lazcko, Etuhu, Osbourne, Alnwick, Hayes etc.
- not being afraid to sell Hume, Stearman or McAuley for good money. In the same way that we won't be afraid to sell Mattock 3M or Kisnorbo or Clemence for a few million when they are back from injury.
- even against shite opposition you can tell when players have pace, touch and a football brain. Gilbert, Morrison, Hobbs, Gradel, King, Dyer and Fryatt all have at least a couple of these. Oakley, Howard, Tunchev and Dickov seem to be responding to this. Weirdly, Howard seems to CARE now. Whereas last year his body language was so bad.
- the players seem FITTER. Fryatt has lost nearly a stone. King and Weso are more mobile.


difficult season ahead, but the club is earning support back

- not being afraid to sell Hume, Stearman or McAuley for good money. In the same way that we won't be afraid to sell Mattock 3M or Kisnorbo or Clemence for a few million when they are back from injury.

Good point, Morrisson, Hobbs, Dyer, Gilbert etc will all be better players for us than the above. NP has been incredibly shrewd in his signings, he's been wise and bought players that we need, each one more than capable of replacing a sold player or slotting in when needed.
I am actually worried NP might leave us if Derby sack Jewell, don't know why but I just am.
Can anyone post them and point the camp captain out?
Bottom right hand corner, white shirt, hand on chin.

I am actually worried NP might leave us if Derby sack Jewell, don't know why but I just am.

The bloke honestly seems to have his head screwed on, this alone is enough to make me sure the above wont happen.
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