Cheltenham Away

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And the crowd sang, "It's the worst ****ing wall we've ever seen!"

But even so - Fryatt had to see it but it was nothing more than an absolutely straight shot which he struck well.

Hint to keeper: you're supposed to look after the bit that the wall doesn't.

Alan Wright (how the feck is he still playing football) broke away from the wall and Fryatt just picked that spot.

You look very gay in the second one, Hazza :icon_lol:

Quite. :icon_lol: Need a hair-cut as well. Shame they didn't get my celebrations after the second that was more aggressive, half-way down the stairs screaming 'Get the **** in there'
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''bring some nutters with you, there was one leicestershire creature dancing behind the goal, star jumps, windmills the works was great entertainment - especially as his kid was wearing exactly the same hoody and tracksuit bottoms!!!''

Just read this off a CTFC....he was pure quality. He goes most away games. I travelled on the same coach as him to the Derby playoff final. He was nicked after ten minutes at Wembley for causing a riot between himself and a few Derby fans.
Known Bobby for years, never seen him dragged out of a ground with a stewards arm round his throat though!

From what I've been told, he wasn't happy that someone was sitting in the seat he had paid for, and he wanted his seat, not one elsewhere in the stand. so cos he was standing up the stewards decided to treat him like a thug and a pack of them dragged him off.

Not sure if that is correct, but I'm sure if he hasn't already posted on BR he will do soon!
From what I've been told, he wasn't happy that someone was sitting in the seat he had paid for, and he wanted his seat, not one elsewhere in the stand.
If that is the case, then I have every sympathy for him.

But to generalise, I have never seen a football fan negotiate with stewards on an acceptable level before, they usually become very agressive, very quickly. And if the steward is on an ego trip, you're out.
Received a report off someone at Col U-Oldham yesterday, that an Oldham fan was ejected for taking pictures of the new ground, the stewards demanding he erased them for his camera else they would take it off him.
Received a report off someone at Col U-Oldham yesterday, that an Oldham fan was ejected for taking pictures of the new ground, the stewards demanding he erased them for his camera else they would take it off him.
Was this inside the ground, and during play?
It's in all League Club season tickets about taking of photos INSIDE the ground. Apparently we can't even take photos pre- or post-match inside the ground.

Pfft to that. I use my phone camera so I can take pics of the 'quaint' grounds we get to visit in this league.
It's in all League Club season tickets about taking of photos INSIDE the ground. Apparently we can't even take photos pre- or post-match inside the ground.

Pfft to that. I use my phone camera so I can take pics of the 'quaint' grounds we get to visit in this league.

You do need a license to be able to take photos at football games, but seeing as all phones have camera's nowadays, it's a nightmare for stewards to try to stop it. I know for a fact that they try to stop it even at Hinckley's ground, but they don't worry about the camera phones so much but crack down on professional looking cameras.
You do need a license to be able to take photos at football games, but seeing as all phones have camera's nowadays, it's a nightmare for stewards to try to stop it. I know for a fact that they try to stop it even at Hinckley's ground, but they don't worry about the camera phones so much but crack down on professional looking cameras.

Steward tried to take my camera off me when I was going into Luton's ground for the pre-season game. Funny thing was that when I told him to **** off, he called a supervisor over. He then explained what had happened to the supervisor, including the bit about me telling him to **** off. The supervisor told him to stop being a daft twat and apologised to me.
Steward tried to take my camera off me when I was going into Luton's ground for the pre-season game. Funny thing was that when I told him to **** off, he called a supervisor over. He then explained what had happened to the supervisor, including the bit about me telling him to **** off. The supervisor told him to stop being a daft twat and apologised to me.

To be fair to the steward, it is in the ground regs so he was just doing his job........:icon_wink
Steward tried to take my camera off me when I was going into Luton's ground for the pre-season game. Funny thing was that when I told him to **** off, he called a supervisor over. He then explained what had happened to the supervisor, including the bit about me telling him to **** off. The supervisor told him to stop being a daft twat and apologised to me.

I would have chucked you out, you foul mouth yob.
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