Edgar Davids on his way?

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Is anyone else concerned that the fabric of space and time could be torn open with this meeting of the minds in such a confined space?
i think he will sign tonight some time, and the news will be broken during the arsenal lpool game.

Why get your hopes and others hopes up. He isn't going to sign at 8 o'clock is he and even if he did it wouldn't be announced. This is getting so boring now, the most annoying thing is people saying that he is going to sign whenever when they don't have a clue. I hope tomorrow he doesen't sign and we can close this tedious thread.

i said hope he will, you said hope he doesn't, so your annoying yourself, because you dont have a clue yourself whether he is or isnt. :bang:

No you didn't say hope he will. You said will. I do have a clue Mandaric is my Dad.

i didnt say will, i said i "THINK" he will , tut.

Yeah thats isn't saying "hope" is it.

its not sayin that i know!, as you suggested either :bang:

can now tell mandaric is your dad, because you talk a load of old balls! like he does :081:

I never said that you said you know. I said people thinking they know. Read my post first properly please. And stop using this :bang: the effect has worn off now.

He's got more money than you or anyone you know will ever have, not bad for someone who talks balls.

Now I know why I spend very little time on this forum nowadays.
WE?? You mean you :icon_roll, a lot of fans want him here like myself :icon_bigg

i know tom jones :tumbleweed:

Can you rephrase this so it is understandable please ?

Realised your chatting shit now ?

milan is worth 75 mill, tom jones 175 mill, these are the facts, i thank you!

Calm it ! I'm not angry. :icon_bigg

Oh yeah.

Jas123, you don't know Tom Jones.

eerr yes i do. why would i make a random name up. so angry :058:

Because you got ripped and couldn't think of a comeback.

I'm not angry, you just chat shite.

your funny :icon_roll. ripped yeaa lol.

I wasn't trying to be funny, I was stating a fact.

Yeah ripped.

It gets better :icon_roll
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Life changing, are you actually being serious. Davids ten years ago maybe but Davids now, definetly not. Can't believe how excited people are getting over this, we are fifth in the league now with a good squad with the right blend of youngters and experience, the midfield is strong and we have enough centre midfielders as it is. This is the best I have felt about being a Leicester fan for ages and we don't want some 36 year old has been who wants a bit of dollar to finish his career of at our club. Edgar with all due respect, **** off.

Chris Powell joined us age 39 and made a big difference to our defence on and off the pitch.

Davids is 'only' 36 by comparison. If you do not think he would make a difference to our midfield on and off the pitch, you really know diddly squat about really great footballers.

Why do you think Beckham is still picked for England, several years past his 'best'?

The best do not lose their skills, and they are still an inspiration and guide to younger players. If Davids is anywhere near as fit as Powell, he will torch this league.

As far as I am concerned, he can take all of next week as well to decide, if it means he is more likely to say yes.
I know Greg Clarke (boo hiss I hear some of you say) but not sure even he has any insight into matters LCFC now.

We only have to wait til tomorrow morning and if it hasn't happened then so be it:102: back to winning the game on Friday which hopefully the players had been concentrating on rather than which of them will be first to swop shirts with Davids and sell it on Ebay
Chris Powell joined us age 39 and made a big difference to our defence on and off the pitch.

Davids is 'only' 36 by comparison. If you do not think he would make a difference to our midfield on and off the pitch, you really know diddly squat about really great footballers.

Why do you think Beckham is still picked for England, several years past his 'best'?
The best do not lose their skills, and they are still an inspiration and guide to younger players. If Davids is anywhere near as fit as Powell, he will torch this league.

As far as I am concerned, he can take all of next week as well to decide, if it means he is more likely to say yes.

Clearly because the fans love him and playing him keeps them happy and I honestly feel this is the only reason he plays.
What is the clue? Slices of burek in your mum's bed?


I hope he signs, even if he ends up shit, at least it'll be interesting.

I'm a casual aquaintance with Pacey from Dawson's Creek, so obviously in footballing terms I'm a titan of intellect.
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Clearly because the fans love him and playing him keeps them happy and I honestly feel this is the only reason he plays.

Capello has never picked a player because the fans like him. He only ever picks players who are going to win him matches.

Trust me, Beckham makes the bench ahead of his younger rivals because for about 30 minutes or so he can help win a match with a brilliant pass, free kick or corner.

Shaun Wright-Phillips can leave Beckham standing tearing down the right wing, but when did you last see Shaun deliver a really good cross onto Rooney's head?
FFS. This is some serious deja vu. Odds on Davids in a Cardiff shirt for the Forest game Sunday.
People complain that I write lots of short posts in quic succession but here we have a geezer copying and pasting lots of other peoples's short post within one post and no-body complains!
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