Edgar Davids on his way?

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Davids is 'only' 36 by comparison. If you do not think he would make a difference to our midfield on and off the pitch, you really know diddly squat about really great footballers.

Davids has been an arsehole at a number of his clubs and during his international days. Why did he only get 43 caps? Because he fell out with various Dutch managers and accused some of racism. Always been an arrogant difficult customer. Ask Spurs fans of their opinion on him.

Take his final spell at Ajax, why didn't they give him a coaching/scouting role like they did with Bergkamp, Overmars, Blind, Van Basten or Winter?
People complain that I write lots of short posts in quic succession but here we have a geezer copying and pasting lots of other peoples's short post within one post and no-body complains!

Absolutely correct Mr Don. Does that not tell you something?

Just in case it doesn't, the moral of the story is that people complain about your pointless, consecutive posts because they find it very, very irritating. Whereas, what Notts has done, nobody finds irritating in the slightest.

In fact, why have you even made the comparison?
hes a prima donna who clearly does not want to join us, but may do if we the only or perhaps best financial offer. You guys want this?

we also have spurs fans confirming he was disruptive to the squad and generally past it and that was multiple years ago.
Are you the same chrysalis from footballforums?
All these people who are saying he clearly doesn't want to come, can't you just ask him whether he will or not, you seem very close to him.
Davids has been an arsehole at a number of his clubs and during his international days. Why did he only get 43 caps? Because he fell out with various Dutch managers and accused some of racism. Always been an arrogant difficult customer. Ask Spurs fans of their opinion on him.

Take his final spell at Ajax, why didn't they give him a coaching/scouting role like they did with Bergkamp, Overmars, Blind, Van Basten or Winter?

He's got 73 caps ;)

And I'm pretty sure they DID offer him a coaching role, but he turned it down as he wanted to keep playing.

Other than that though, I agree with your general point.... doesn't mean he's not/wasn't a quality player though!

Still don't think it's going to happen now though. I think all the talk over the last few days has been more along the lines of "well we're not going to break the bank for him" and "he'll have to pass strict fitness tests", now with the supposed ultimatum as well, I think it's all leading to us not signing him, and then the club can say it was our decision...
Maybe cynical, but I just can't see it now.
Chris Powell joined us age 39 and made a big difference to our defence on and off the pitch.

Davids is 'only' 36 by comparison. If you do not think he would make a difference to our midfield on and off the pitch, you really know diddly squat about really great footballers.

Why do you think Beckham is still picked for England, several years past his 'best'?

The best do not lose their skills, and they are still an inspiration and guide to younger players. If Davids is anywhere near as fit as Powell, he will torch this league.

As far as I am concerned, he can take all of next week as well to decide, if it means he is more likely to say yes.

Sorry Monsieur True Blue Tinter, I'm going to have to disagree with you....on several points.

I was originally going to only pull you up on your Davids points, as somebody else had, but having located your full post I disagree with all your points.

1) Why is Chris Powell your source of reference as to how Davids could help us? Their careers couldn't be more different.

2) 'Diddly squat about great footballers'
I was first broken the news about Davids joining us by a Dutch work colleague at work. He is a lifelong Ajax fan and put his head round the door of my office to say "you lot must be mad" assuming I knew what he was talking about. He can't believe we want to sign him and having seen him during both his spells at the club, thinks he's an arsehole and finished. When Davids joined Spurs I gleefully took a queens head off my mate who is a Tottenham fan, after i correctly bet he would turn out to be a bad signing. However, being the fickle leicester fan i am, i have been coming round to the idea of him joining us this week, simply because it will be interesting to see someone who is known out of england playing for us. Heart says it will be fun, head says he is exactly what we don't need and will not be a success. Never rated him.

3) Beckham is only still picked for England because of Capello finding a role for him to keep the FA happy. Everybody knows the only reason Marin O'Neill didn't get the England job was because the first question he was asked, 'what would be the first thing you would do as England manager?" His answer. "Drop Beckham".

Good players don't lose their touch, but they do lose their pace, something which is imperative in the modern game.
Sorry Monsieur True Blue Tinter, I'm going to have to disagree with you....on several points.

I was originally going to only pull you up on your Davids points, as somebody else had, but having located your full post I disagree with all your points.

1) Why is Chris Powell your source of reference as to how Davids could help us? Their careers couldn't be more different.

2) 'Diddly squat about great footballers'
I was first broken the news about Davids joining us by a Dutch work colleague at work. He is a lifelong Ajax fan and put his head round the door of my office to say "you lot must be mad" assuming I knew what he was talking about. He can't believe we want to sign him and having seen him during both his spells at the club, thinks he's an arsehole and finished. When Davids joined Spurs I gleefully took a queens head off my mate who is a Tottenham fan, after i correctly bet he would turn out to be a bad signing. However, being the fickle leicester fan i am, i have been coming round to the idea of him joining us this week, simply because it will be interesting to see someone who is known out of england playing for us. Heart says it will be fun, head says he is exactly what we don't need and will not be a success. Never rated him.

3) Beckham is only still picked for England because of Capello finding a role for him to keep the FA happy. Everybody knows the only reason Marin O'Neill didn't get the England job was because the first question he was asked, 'what would be the first thing you would do as England manager?" His answer. "Drop Beckham".

Good players don't lose their touch, but they do lose their pace, something which is imperative in the modern game.

What a crock of shite!! Beckham is still in the england squad because he is good enough to be. He has more quality in his right foot than most of the other wannabes in the squad put together!!
A black bloke with his specks masking taped to his head just took a shit outside the booking office, dipped his hand in it, and then smeared it down our beautiful glass windows.

I've got a feeling the deal might be off.

This might be the worst moment in our history...except the day David Norris pissed through Milan's letter box.
I find it difficult to believe that Capello would stand for being told who to pick for the team
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