General Election June 8th

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We can all come up with a substantial list of reasons not to vote Labour.

What I'm yet to see is a coherent argument to vote Conservative?

Personally I'm undecided, as I've yet to see a decent argument to vote for any of the parties in question.

However, I would very much like to be able to vote for whoever I want without being called a moron.
We can all come up with a substantial list of reasons not to vote Labour.

What I'm yet to see is a coherent argument to vote Conservative?

To keep Labour out?
I'm lazy enough to have a postal vote. It arrived this morning, was completed at lunch-time and put back into the post this afternoon. This is the first time I have ever voted for three different parties in three consecutive General Elections. I don't know whether I have changed or it is that the parties have changed.
I'm lazy enough to have a postal vote. It arrived this morning, was completed at lunch-time and put back into the post this afternoon. This is the first time I have ever voted for three different parties in three consecutive General Elections. I don't know whether I have changed or it is that the parties have changed.
I've voted for three different parties in the same election, before.
Christ almighty. I'd have thought the reasons I already gave were enough. I've got a concert myself tonight so have hardly got all night to argue.

What I will say is that I think this time the contents of the two manifestos almost take a back seat.

Both leaders have their various pros and cons but to me the result of this is going to be like a second EU referendum. It's a chance for the remainers to vote Corbyn in and keep us in Europe (if he can't under article 50 he will definitely bend over backwards to keep us in the single market via the EEA) or to go through with Brexit by voting Tory. Like it or lump it I think that's what's going to decide this election. Now the initial EU referendum was more or less a 50/50 split so it could be close again, but given recent local election results and if the rumours are true about backing for Brexit being closer to the 70% figure now you'd expect the Tories to get in on the back of carrying through on Brexit alone.
Yep. Don't get me wrong, it counts a spoiled vote, but that's what I wanted it to do. I wouldn't not vote.

When I was working as a poll clerk at the local elections a few weeks ago it was noticeable how many people took longer than they should to out a x in a box. Some of them seemed to be writing essays, others drawing pictures. Mrs Jeff, who was a presiding officer, and also counts the votes, says the most common thing drawn on ballot papers is a penis.
Mrs Jeff, who was a presiding officer, and also counts the votes, says the most common thing drawn on ballot papers is a penis.

I think maybe you misinterpreted when she came home that time and said she had seen so much cock that day.
Christ almighty. I'd have thought the reasons I already gave were enough. I've got a concert myself tonight so have hardly got all night to argue.

What I will say is that I think this time the contents of the two manifestos almost take a back seat.

Both leaders have their various pros and cons but to me the result of this is going to be like a second EU referendum. It's a chance for the remainers to vote Corbyn in and keep us in Europe (if he can't under article 50 he will definitely bend over backwards to keep us in the single market via the EEA) or to go through with Brexit by voting Tory. Like it or lump it I think that's what's going to decide this election. Now the initial EU referendum was more or less a 50/50 split so it could be close again, but given recent local election results and if the rumours are true about backing for Brexit being closer to the 70% figure now you'd expect the Tories to get in on the back of carrying through on Brexit alone.

But there is practically no difference between the Brexit policies of the Conservatives and Labour. And you believe Conservatives despite them proving completely unreliable over numerous reverses in policy and disbelieve Labour?

Sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Personally I'm undecided, as I've yet to see a decent argument to vote for any of the parties in question.

However, I would very much like to be able to vote for whoever I want without being called a moron.

Well, tough titties. In my constituency, there are six candidates and a vote for any of these is less than appealing:

BNP = racist morons
UKIP = backward morons
Conservatives = cruel morons
Labour = incompetent morons
Lib Dems = fatuous morons
Greens = cuckoo-land morons

Which is the least bad option? Genuinely unsure but currently leaning towards the fatuous over the incompetent. Despite that twat Farron and his peculiar Christian weirdness and his bizarre anti-Brexit silliness. Second thoughts, I can't vote for them.

Back to square one.
Funny to see a lot of Tory boys changing their mind over the last week or so now that cuts are starting to affect them as well. It seems that pointless spending cuts are fine as long as it's only the vulnerable in society who suffer from them. The tide is seriously swinging in Labour's direction. The conservatives desperately need something big to happen to get them off the front pages and change the direction of the conversati.... oh, there it is.
Funny to see a lot of Tory boys changing their mind over the last week or so now that cuts are starting to affect them as well. It seems that pointless spending cuts are fine as long as it's only the vulnerable in society who suffer from them. The tide is seriously swinging in Labour's direction. The conservatives desperately need something big to happen to get them off the front pages and change the direction of the conversati.... oh, there it is.

The tide is absolutely not swinging in Labour's direction. And it never will under Corbyn.

Having said that, I read an account of Corbyn's life and career earlier and he's an interesting chap. Certainly got plenty of disparate life experience and is a man of his word. Pity his word is hopelessly out of date. I do like the fact that he clearly never had any desire to be a leader or Prime Minister. In my view, that's a good thing. Just not good enough.

I work with some of those most affected by the policies of the Conservatives and I reserve the right to be disgusted by their absolutely deliberate and persistent efforts to **** over the weakest in our society. I think that's why I can't really handle people attempting to be rationale about voting for them. They still 'believe' that withholding money from the weak and giving it to the strong is the right thing to do because the strong invest and create wealth that benefits the weak. That is in spite of decades of evidence of the complete opposite. Anyone would think it was just a ruse to pull up the ladder and chuckle at the idiocy of the proles.
When I was working as a poll clerk at the local elections a few weeks ago it was noticeable how many people took longer than they should to out a x in a box. Some of them seemed to be writing essays, others drawing pictures. Mrs Jeff, who was a presiding officer, and also counts the votes, says the most common thing drawn on ballot papers is a penis.

I'm surprised she recognised one.
Most polls I've seen in the last week have Labour jumping between 1 and 6 points with the conservatives slipping by roughly the same amount. If that was to happen again they'd be level.

Can't see it happening now though with events in Manchester likely to take precedence on the front pages for some days, followed by a refocusing of political chat towards security, on which the Tories have the stronger, more emotive rhetoric. The timing of it all is incredibly coincidental.
Farron and his peculiar Christian weirdness

No more weird than any other religious person.

People will vote for people who believe the same nonsense they do. That's why Corbyn won't admit to being an atheist, he thinks it will lose him votes.

Maybe one day a politician would come out and tell everyone they think religion is total bollocks and harmful to society. That they'll abolish our state religion, remove bishops from the house of lords, remove the special privileges religions and the religious currently have, and abolish religious schools.
The sooner people stop basing their life on an instruction manual from thousands of years ago the better. Religious people should have the same status in society as people who believe in fairies, or think that crop circles are made by aliens. The fact that it's seen as perfectly normal, even good, to believe in that nonsense is holding us back. Moderate religion is like a gateway drug, that some people will use on their way to fundamentalism.
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P Pld Pts
1Manchester C  412
5Aston Villa49
7Nottm F48
10Manchester U46
13Tottenham 44
14West Ham44

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