How Are People Feeling Today?

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Anyway if you must make them can you at least not do it between 4.30pm and 7pm,I was eating my tea last night when I read the 'Moaning' stuff:icon_conf
Anyway if you must make them can you at least not do it between 4.30pm and 7pm,I was eating my tea last night when I read the 'Moaning' stuff:icon_conf

It took you two and a half hours to eat your tea ???

What were you having, a feckin roast hippo :102:
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Anyway if you must make them can you at least not do it between 4.30pm and 7pm,I was eating my tea last night when I read the 'Moaning' stuff:icon_conf
I nearly replied to the tunnel/funnel comment you made. I guess you're glad I refrained :icon_razz
It took you two and a half hours to eat your tea ???

What were you having, a feckin roast hippo :102:

I leave here at around 4 so anything posted between then and about 7 I read when I get in.I'm sorry if thats confusing for you.
I nearly replied to the tunnel/funnel comment you made. I guess you're glad I refrained :icon_razz

I am actually surprised either of you have the strength to type the amount of time you seem to be 'at it'......Lucky bastards
After the last few posts, quite sick.
Shit. I've got a spot/boil on the side of my noise that feels like I have a hot poker being drilled into the side of it.

Bet I caught the bloody lurgy from Betty Two Spots.

Lucky its not on your cock then...
I've got something which up until today I'd never heard of let alone known anyone have it. Let's hear it for labyrinthitis. :icon_cry:

I had it,I had to keep going back to the doctors with it,4 or 5 times I went.Each time he would send me home after telling me to rest.In the end I had to tell him that we were just going round in circles......
"Oh my sisters of no mercy" :icon_roll :icon_bigg To be fair beer does tend to cure it.
It is also at its worst in supermarkets :icon_bigg
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3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
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18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00