How Are People Feeling Today?

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I am losing the will to live.... constant sodding bangers going off outside and its driving me mad. As a rough guess there will probably be at least another 3 hours of them going off.
I am losing the will to live.... constant sodding bangers going off outside and its driving me mad. As a rough guess there will probably be at least another 3 hours of them going off.

Bleeding helicopter above me for the last half an hour too :098:
Much better. Mrs Boc discharged from hospital this evening. All tests negative, thank goodness. It was more than a bit worrying when she had to go straight from GP's surgery onto the Clinical Decisions Unit yesterday. They thought they were looking at a pulmonary embolism but no idea what it was now.

Glad to read that Bob
I am losing the will to live.... constant sodding bangers going off outside and its driving me mad. As a rough guess there will probably be at least another 3 hours of them going off.

I hate this fecking time of year. It's like non-stop fireworks from Diwali/Halloween/Bonfire Night, then its not long until we get the New Year fireworks. If it was up to me, only proper organised firework displays would be able to buy fireworks.
If it was up to me, only proper organised firework displays would be able to buy fireworks.

Why? A lot of parents are able to buy a few small fireworks and give their kids and friends something to look at. A few go overboard and ruin it. Restrictions on the size and quantity yes, banned altogether no.
Why? A lot of parents are able to buy a few small fireworks and give their kids and friends something to look at. A few go overboard and ruin it. Restrictions on the size and quantity yes, banned altogether no.

But the ones they can buy at supermarkets are just crap and tend to just bang rather than look decent. If the parents want to give their kids and friends something to look at, take them to a fireworks display. Stopping any Tom, Dick or Harry buying them would at least stop chavs buying them and pissing around with them.
Much better. Mrs Boc discharged from hospital this evening. All tests negative, thank goodness. It was more than a bit worrying when she had to go straight from GP's surgery onto the Clinical Decisions Unit yesterday. They thought they were looking at a pulmonary embolism but no idea what it was now.

Lazy bugger went off to bed without getting my dinner though!

Thanks to everybody for your kind messages during the day.

That's a relief Boc, I feared for your ironing! :icon_wink
My Xbox has broken, so I'm dead pissed off. Also i'm having a shitter of a day at work. Plus the football manager demo isn't out till Sunday.

Not a happy boy.
Much better. Mrs Boc discharged from hospital this evening. All tests negative, thank goodness. It was more than a bit worrying when she had to go straight from GP's surgery onto the Clinical Decisions Unit yesterday. They thought they were looking at a pulmonary embolism but no idea what it was now.

Lazy bugger went off to bed without getting my dinner though!

Thanks to everybody for your kind messages during the day.

Good news Boc.I heard they said that she was suffering from a severe pain in the arse though:icon_wink
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