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everything seems to be running a little late on BBC tonight

Poor scheduling and priorites again. The dancing programme was delayed because the BBC thought that showing the qualifying laps of the Brazilian grand prix, including filling in with punditry while the rain delayed it was more important. I could just about understand this if it were the British GP or if it were the main event, but the qualifying laps for ****s sake, hardly mainstream viewing is it.
jenson button (an englishman) is on the verge of winning the F1 Title...
ffs, it's a little more important than a load of z list ex soap losers wearing sequins...
jenson button (an englishman) is on the verge of winning the F1 Title...

This was not the actual race, you understand. They were showing the rain that was delaying qualifying. Looks like they removed from the schedules altogether a perfectly good David Attenborough programme on BBC2 for that shit. ****ing F1, for ****'s sake. Load of wank. Worse than rugby.

ffs, it's a little more important than a load of z list ex soap losers wearing sequins...

Yeah I'll go along with that. All these celebrity (and I freely admit I'm using that word quite liberally) talent (see previous parentheses) shows need hoofing off the air.
jenson button (an englishman) is on the verge of winning the F1 Title...
ffs, it's a little more important than a load of z list ex soap losers wearing sequins...

from 14th on the grid ??? I think not.... :icon_lol:
jenson button (an englishman) is on the verge of winning the F1 Title...
ffs, it's a little more important than a load of z list ex soap losers wearing sequins...
Not that i watch F1 or strictly come dancing, but if i had to choose between the two i'd go for strictly come dancing because theres always some decent looking bint on there. shame on you mk.
very amused.... just flicked on to the gymnastics on beeb 2 to see a gymnast land badly and eat mat - the camera then cuts to a woman in the crowd who is pissing herself.. at least I wasnt the only one laughing :icon_lol:
bored, waiting for currys to deliver a washing machine. they should be able to give you a better idea than between 12 and 4.... tossers
bored, waiting for currys to deliver a washing machine. they should be able to give you a better idea than between 12 and 4.... tossers

It's the same with British Gas and S&T, you have to have a morning or after noon appointment, so it's either between 8am-12pm, or 12pm-4pm.

It still means a half day off it's it's morning, and might as well have a full day off for afternoon cos whenever we've arranged for this sort of thing they turn up and a few minutes past 12.
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00