It's Holloway...

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“It is important to get the right guy, but there is not a lot of choice at the moment.”

When MM talks about the lack of choice I wonder if he is expecting someone else to become available shortly.

However if it is Holloway then this is hardly singing his praises, he is effectively saying he is the best of a bad bunch.
O'levels: Paper-flicking (B) Puberty (D) Badger Baiting (C) Ononism (A*)
A'levels: Goofing Off, Self-indulgent Poetry, Conceit
BA Microwave Cookery

...but I hardly see how that is relevant.

I hear that you got a CSE in the 'Walking Round Slowly Holding Onto Someone Dance'
fans' unrealistic expectations

Fueled by MM's unrealistic promises this season.

I note your use of the word 'fuelled', even though it is incorrectly spelt. I hope that you are not suggesting that MM's over-enthusiasm did anything more than accelerate the rampant unrealism of Mr CityFan; this is an affliction that has badly affected the club's performance for some time and certainly predates any mention of MM's name in these parts.

The last time that anybody connected with Leicester City was remotely realistic was in the reign of Craig Levein, when he and the board formulated a plan for the club's regeneration. Unfortunately for us all, under pressure from irrational fans, the board failed to hold their nerve.
I wish I had the same boredom threshold as you lot.

Holloway! Celebrate
Holloway! Celebrate

If we took to Holloway
Took some time to celebrate
Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice!

Everybody spread the word
We're gonna have a celebration
All across the world
In every nation
It's time for the good times
Forget about the bad times, oh yeah
One day to come together
To release the pressure
We need a Holloway!!

Holloway! Celebrate
Holloway! Celebrate

...I'll get my Goat
The Plymouth fans are not happy, these are from the Plymouth Herald

"Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio" "Goodbye Goodbye, wipe a tear from your eyee"
Peel street Pete, Peel Street, Stonehouse

please mr holloway since plymouth argyle has had you as a manager we have done really well in football please don't leave us we all need you especially the fans and the team if u went to leciester we will go down hill and we don't want that we love you
kirsty, plymouth

Come on Argyle directors; nobody wants a manager like we have to leave, apart from Mandaric and the Leicester supporters. It's about time we matched the offer of our rivals. We are constantly struggling to attract players down here and the task will get a lot harder if Holloway leaves, which would be a big blow to the club. You get what you pay for!
Will, Plymouth

If Ollie leaves then the current Board should find a buyer and leave pdq. They have absolutely no credibility left after this fiasco! This is just typical of the small time thinking from people hopelessly out of their depth at the club. I fear this will be the beginning of the end for Argyle's Championship and Premiership ambitions and with it any hope of increasing gates.
Chris, Ford

Ken, I totally agree with you. May I add that I did not renew my season ticket for this season. Although Ian Holloway may state his heart is here, money talks. Both THE HERALD and IAN HOLLOWAY were full of hype during the "close season". One of the many reasons for not renewing.
Paul, Saltash

if ollie leaves argyles hes been playin us for a fool
anon, saltash

Argyle under this board of no-investment don't need a manager. They need a magician. Tragedy is, they've got one. And they're letting him slip through their hands. Plymouth is great city with a tiny club. Time for Stapleton and cronies to move on and let someone else give us the club the city deserves.
ken, bere alston
From the Merc:

Mandaric insisted: “I have not even made an official approach to any club to ask permission to speak to anyone.”

He went on to say, "I have a man who does that sort of thing for me. Why pick your nose when you have a perfectly good handkerchief in your pocket?"
I note your use of the word 'fuelled', even though it is incorrectly spelt.

I spelt it right but I now have a spell checker in my browser, and it told me it was wrong so I changed it. Bloody thing is on the American setting.

this is an affliction that has badly affected the club's performance for some time and certainly predates any mention of MM's name in these parts.

I deliberately added the words this season to make it clear that I was talking about the way MM's talk of promotion this season had raised expectations after he'd previously said within three years. The affliction may have been there for a while but MM has made it worse.
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