January transfer window rumours - bullplop or not!

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Ollie wants to bring in about 4 new players this week which is a good sign!
Say in the merc a keeper is one of the ones that will come in over the next 24 hours but it is not fulop.
Say in the merc a keeper is one of the ones that will come in over the next 24 hours but it is not fulop.

Bloody shame that. I really liked having him and Clarke here. It seems an ill wind blows from Sunderland. (Whatever that means.) :tumbleweed:
Say in the merc a keeper is one of the ones that will come in over the next 24 hours but it is not fulop.

full story

Leicester City have their sights set on four more signings this week to give Ian Holloway a “brand-new” side for Saturday's home clash with Coventry.

One of the targets is a goalkeeper who could arrive in the next 24 hours. But it will not be Sunderland's Marton Fulop because the Hungarian, who was a fans' favourite during his loan spell at the Walkers Stadium, is valued at around £3m by the Black Cats, forcing City to look elsewhere.

Having signed left-sided Hungarian Laczko Zsolt on Friday, one of the two other trialists with City at the same time could also be a target. But that has not been finalised.
After the disappointment of City's 2-0 FA Cup defeat at Southampton on Saturday, the City manager is eager to unveil a fundamentally new side, both in personnel and spirit, against the Sky Blues on Saturday with midfielders and wingers a priority. :038::038::038::038:

Holloway said: “I can't wait. I am going to have a balanced team. It will be brand-new and in an embryonic state which will take time for people to get used to.
“We hope to get a couple in very soon and, by the end of the week, one or even two more. One or two may also be leaving to go to other clubs or even on loan.

“We have got three big things on the bubble. Whether we get them all or not, who knows? But it is a time of change and I am looking forward to that. It is not what we have done so far that matters, it is what we are going to do in the rest of this season and the season after that.

“I will be judged in who I bring in and so far I have brought in only Steve Howard and Barry Hayles as permanent deals. That is not a bad start but now I have got to work on the rest of it.

We need wingers and midfield players because, when we pass the ball wide, we have got no-one who is a natural winger. I have got Zsolt and there will be more. There is a lot of competition for players out there just now. We were fortunate with Howard and Hayles. Will I be as lucky again? Who knows?”

City skipper Stephen Clemence will be back from suspension for Saturday. But DJ Campell is three weeks from being fit and Holloway may go for another striker if Campbell's absence stretches much longer.
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Say in the merc a keeper is one of the ones that will come in over the next 24 hours but it is not fulop.

I wouldn't be surprised if this statement (as previously said by Ollie) is a deliberate move to help persuade Sunderland into a climb down on price..
Originally uttered by Ian Holloway

It is not what we have done so far that matters, it is what we are going to do in the rest of this season and the season after that.

Only partially correct. It matters a lot that we have lost so many games whilst you have been here Mr Holloway as that affects morale and they players you can bring in. For example, you may not have needed to have spent so much money in the window, or even attracted a better player if we were a fair bit higher in the table...

(This is not a criticism of Holloway in general, just of this statement)...
Wikapedia info on Keith Andrews...kept out of the Wolves line up at the start of his career by his current boss and on sparkling form now for the resurgent MK Dons...


Sun also reporting dirty Leeds bidding £500,000 for the younger and less consistent Brad Johnson....think i know which one I'd prefer....

I have seen MK Dons play twice this season. He was brilliant both times, first time he broke the deadlock and then the second game, he played a 50 yard defence splitting ball and then kill of P'boro with a second goal.

He's everything you'd want off a captain. So a shame it would be out of his reach to do it here.
Thank god for that :icon_bigg

Derby are set to sign Robbie Savage from Blackburn after agreeing a fee for the Welshman.

Savage is no longer a regular starter at Ewood Park and recently admitted he was looking to leave the club.

Sunderland made a bid for Savage last week and Wigan were also understood to be interested.

But it now appears that Derby have won the race for his signature, and Paul Jewell will be hoping to tie up the transfer as quickly as possible.

Savage is set to meet Rams officials later on Tuesday to discuss terms.
It said we are about to sign Kavanagh in the Mirror again this morning:icon_roll
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