Leicester better than England, Spain, Portugal, etc ;)

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The UEFA club rankings for 2004 have been released:

1 Real Madrid Esp 33.128 28.481 35.902 27.115 21.723 146.351
2 Valencia Esp 30.128 33.481 18.902 27.115 29.723 139.351
3 FC Barcelona Esp 34.128 24.481 27.902 31.115 16.723 134.351
4 Manchester United Eng 25.785 22.675 28.818 26.520 15.712 119.510
5 Bayern München Ger 27.653 33.650 27.455 6.017 10.555 105.331
6 Deportivo La Coruña Esp 17.128 24.481 21.902 19.115 21.723 104.351
7 Arsenal Eng 28.785 23.675 15.818 17.520 17.712 103.510
8 FC Porto Por 19.925 15.021 14.093 24.547 26.382 99.970
9 AC Milan Ita 9.960 18.238 23.148 31.256 16.928 99.531
10 Liverpool Eng 4.785 27.675 22.818 20.520 14.712 90.510
11 Juventus Ita 14.960 9.238 18.148 29.256 12.928 84.531
12 Lazio Roma Ita 25.960 17.238 9.148 23.256 7.928 83.531
13 Internazionale Ita 3.960 13.238 21.148 28.256 15.928 82.531
14 AS Roma Ita 13.960 16.238 18.148 17.256 12.928 78.531
15 Galatasaray Tur 25.557 19.557 14.856 5.540 9.145 74.656
16 Leeds United Eng 22.785 24.675 11.818 11.520 3.712 74.510
17 Celta de Vigo Esp 18.128 19.481 8.902 12.115 12.723 71.351
18 Olympique Lyon Fra 13.394 16.135 12.351 10.612 18.455 70.947
19 Girondins Bordeaux Fra 15.394 12.135 10.351 11.612 18.455 67.947
20 Chelsea Eng 23.785 6.675 8.818 5.520 22.712 67.510
21 AC Parma Ita 16.960 14.238 15.148 10.256 9.928 66.531
22 Borussia Dortmund Ger 12.653 3.650 25.455 18.017 6.555 66.331
23 Panathinaikos Gre 8.787 11.227 21.712 17.365 6.375 65.467
24 PSV Eindhoven Ned 6.062 16.007 17.355 8.035 17.787 65.246
Feyenoord Ned 16.062 11.007 24.355 7.035 6.787 65.246
26 Bayer Leverkusen Ger 12.653 10.650 27.455 10.017 1.555 62.331
27 Newcastle United Eng 12.785 4.675 3.818 15.520 24.712 61.510
28 Celtic Sco 5.691 4.856 11.186 23.433 15.433 60.601
29 Real Mallorca Esp 20.128 5.481 11.902 5.115 13.723 56.351
30 Hertha BSC Ger 12.653 11.650 13.455 15.017 2.555 55.331
31 Sparta Praha Cze 16.640 4.980 14.815 8.045 10.433 54.915
32 CD Alavés Esp 6.128 26.481 4.902 10.115 4.723 52.351
33 AS Monaco Fra 14.394 9.135 2.351 2.612 23.455 51.947
34 AEK Athens Gre 8.787 10.227 13.712 14.365 4.375 51.467
35 Boavista Por 6.925 7.021 14.093 18.547 3.382 49.970
36 FC Nantes Fra 12.394 17.135 13.351 2.612 4.455 49.947
37 Slavia Praha Cze 15.640 11.980 2.815 11.046 8.433 49.915
38 Anderlecht Bel 7.072 15.310 5.938 13.268 7.938 49.529
39 Ajax Ned 8.062 7.007 8.355 18.035 6.787 48.246
40 VfB Stuttgart Ger 3.653 11.650 4.455 16.017 11.555 47.331
41 Olympique Marseille Fra 14.394 3.135 2.351 2.612 24.455 46.947
42 Paris Saint-Germain Fra 3.394 15.135 10.351 12.612 4.455 45.947
43 RC Lens Fra 19.394 3.135 2.351 11.612 8.455 44.947
44 Club Brugge Bel 3.072 10.310 10.938 7.268 11.938 43.529
45 Glasgow Rangers Sco 9.691 10.856 11.186 4.433 6.433 42.601
46 Villarreal Esp 6.128 5.481 4.902 5.115 20.723 42.351
Málaga CF Esp 6.128 5.481 4.902 21.115 4.723 42.351
48 Rosenborg BK Nor 11.716 8.526 5.072 5.891 11.021 42.227
49 PAOK Thessaloniki Gre 7.787 7.227 11.712 9.365 5.375 41.467
50 Rayo Vallecano Esp 6.128 20.481 4.902 5.115 4.723 41.351
51 Dinamo Kiev Ukr 14.773 5.320 5.196 8.402 7.608 41.301
52 Lokomotiv Moscow Rus 5.402 9.265 6.770 8.196 10.938 40.572
53 Fiorentina Ita 17.960 4.238 10.148 5.256 2.928 40.531
54 Olympiakos Piraeus Gre 9.787 10.227 8.712 6.365 5.375 40.467
55 1.FC Kaiserslautern Ger 11.653 18.650 4.455 3.017 1.555 39.331
56 Udinese Ita 14.960 9.238 4.148 5.256 4.928 38.531
57 Atlético Madrid Esp 17.128 5.481 4.902 5.115 4.723 37.351
58 Werder Bremen Ger 13.653 10.650 4.455 7.017 1.555 37.331
59 Spartak Moscow Rus 8.402 13.265 3.770 2.196 8.938 36.572
60 Real Betis Esp 6.128 5.481 4.902 15.115 4.723 36.351
61 AJ Auxerre Fra 3.394 3.135 2.351 10.612 15.455 34.947
62 Real Sociedad Esp 6.128 5.481 4.902 5.115 12.723 34.351
63 Schalke '04 Ger 3.653 3.650 9.455 11.017 6.555 34.331
64 Sporting CP Lisbon Por 3.925 5.021 12.093 4.547 8.382 33.970
65 Slovan Liberec Cze 2.640 4.980 14.815 9.046 2.433 33.915
66 Ipswich Town Eng 4.785 4.675 11.818 8.520 3.712 33.510
67 Real Zaragoza Esp 6.128 7.481 9.902 5.115 4.723 33.351
68 Besiktas Tur 2.557 6.557 1.856 13.540 8.145 32.656
69 Espanyol Esp 6.128 10.481 4.902 5.115 4.723 31.351
70 Wisla Kraków Pol 1.072 4.196 6.361 12.186 7.361 31.177
71 Sturm Graz Aut 7.278 14.557 1.113 7.320 0.701 30.971
72 Benfica Por 6.925 3.021 3.093 3.547 13.382 29.970
73 Fulham FC Eng 4.785 4.675 3.818 11.520 3.712 28.510
74 Lille OSC Fra 3.394 3.135 14.351 2.612 4.455 27.947
75 Perugia Ita 3.960 3.238 4.148 5.256 10.928 27.531
76 Manchester City Eng 4.785 4.675 3.818 3.520 9.712 26.510
Spain 6.128 5.481 4.902 5.115 4.723 26.351
77 Roda JC Kerkrade Ned 7.062 2.007 13.355 2.035 1.787 26.246
78 Hapoel Tel-Aviv Isr 0.990 0.605 18.750 3.925 1.742 26.012
79 Dinamo Zagreb Cro 5.742 6.443 3.443 4.907 5.196 25.734
80 Bologna Ita 9.960 3.238 4.148 5.256 2.928 25.531
81 Tottenham Hotspur Eng 9.785 4.675 3.818 3.520 3.712 25.510
West Ham United Eng 9.785 4.675 3.818 3.520 3.712 25.510
83 FC Basel Sui 1.361 4.443 2.021 14.938 2.618 25.384
84 Vitesse Arnhem Ned 6.062 6.007 3.355 8.035 1.787 25.246
85 FC Sochaux-Montbéliard Fra 3.394 3.135 2.351 2.612 13.455 24.947
86 Grasshopper-Club Zürich Sui 6.361 1.443 9.021 4.938 2.618 24.384
87 Hamburger SV Ger 3.653 9.650 4.455 3.017 3.555 24.331
88 Gençlerbirligi Tur 2.557 2.557 2.856 1.540 14.145 23.656
89 Blackburn Rovers Eng 4.785 4.675 3.818 5.520 4.712 23.510
90 FK Teplice Cze 5.640 1.980 1.815 2.046 11.433 22.915
91 Aston Villa Eng 4.785 4.675 5.818 3.520 3.712 22.510
92 SC Freiburg Ger 3.653 3.650 10.455 3.017 1.555 22.331
TSV 1860 München Ger 3.653 9.650 4.455 3.017 1.555 22.331
94 Brøndby IF Den 2.577 2.237 7.485 2.072 7.386 21.758
95 Gaziantepspor Tur 2.557 3.557 2.856 1.540 11.145 21.656
96 Red Star Belgrade Srb 2.045 6.485 2.045 5.595 5.485 21.654
97 Levski Sofia Bul 5.265 0.990 1.595 6.375 7.375 21.599
98 Southampton FC Eng 4.785 4.675 3.818 3.520 4.712 21.510
Leicester City Eng 4.785 5.675 3.818 3.520 3.712 21.510
100 VfL Wolfsburg Ger 8.653 3.650 4.455 3.017 1.555 21.331

Bert Kassies (with kind permission)

Yes it's true... Leicester are better than Spain, England, Scotland, Italy and most other teams you care to mention.

The whole of the SPL and Premiership and even some lower leagues are better than Greece

It's something to do with goals/win rate/games played/competition level and UEFA guessing really.
EMC Fox said:
How on earth are Leeds 16th?

This list is based on the clubs performances in the european cups the last 5(or something) years and is used as a basis for seedings in the UEFA Cup and the Champions League. Leeds are 16th because they have done pretty good in Europe (Ch. League semi-final a few years ago) and not reflecting their poor league performance last season.

This list doesn't say that "Leicester are better than Spain, England, Scotland, Italy and most other teams you care to mention " because this is the UEFA club rankings. National teams has their own FIFA ranking and Leicester are not in the top 200 there (which doesn't mean that Montserrat or Aruba is better than City :wink: ). Statistics may look stupid sometimes but not that stupid :D
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P Pld Pts
2Manchester C  820
4Aston Villa817
7Tottenham 813
8Nottm F813
12Manchester U811
15West Ham88

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