Mad Mandy Gone

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Sometimes it's the other way around, like with Martin O'Neill.

MON wasn't a hero when he left, he dumped the club in the shit after making sure he had removed any opposition to the managers role and we ended up with Taylor. Wish City fans could be more objective about this, he was good for us overall but he has dumped every club he has managed in the shit when he goes.
Quite. Mandaric played a blinder through the media: claiming the bid was £25 million rather than £700,000 and thus possibly putting off other possible bids; and getting the more easily led to argue his case for him.

but 700k is rubbish as well. dont fight a lie with another lie.

didnt the foxes trust say recently that the amount he invested was around 25million at the time he called it a day?

mandaric isnt all he made out to be but he is better than the previous lot.

how much per season did the previous owners put in out of their own pockets?
how much did they get the club for out of admin?
but 700k is rubbish as well. dont fight a lie with another lie.

didnt the foxes trust say recently that the amount he invested was around 25million at the time he called it a day?

mandaric isnt all he made out to be but he is better than the previous lot.

how much per season did the previous owners put in out of their own pockets?
how much did they get the club for out of admin?

Wasn't it £700k? It was certainly under a million with the obligation to invest a further £9million - but that £9million is different to a purchase price.

And the Foxes Trust, poor dears, did seem to get a bit confused when they were rambling on about £25 million.
MON wasn't a hero when he left, he dumped the club in the shit after making sure he had removed any opposition to the managers role and we ended up with Taylor. Wish City fans could be more objective about this, he was good for us overall but he has dumped every club he has managed in the shit when he goes.

Well he was a hero to me not only when he left but also when he arrived.

I personally implored Martin George to change his mind and give Martin O'Neill the job instead of Mike Walker. I'm so glad he did because MON gave us the best times we've ever had.
but 700k is rubbish as well. dont fight a lie with another lie.

didnt the foxes trust say recently that the amount he invested was around 25million at the time he called it a day?

From the other forum...

FoxesTrust said:
He paid £640k to existing shareholders (this can be verified)
He invested £4.5m as share equity late May following the takeover (we have seen accounting records to confirm this)

He invested a further £4.5m in share equity around one year later (not seen accounting records to verify, but was part of legal agreement, so have no reason to doubt)
He made 2 loans into the club totalling a further £11m (stated by MM during interviews & would match annual expected revenue shortfall

However last season we don't know how the shortfall was funded

He did not save the club from administration (we had access to the accounts & new the plans should no further investment take place from anywher), we have stated this many times

The previous consortium of local people did take the club out of administration & hence save the club, but didn't receive any thanks on the last game before MM took over
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According to Stringer (following his interview today with Mandy)

Milan Mandaric says he's sold LCFC for £40m. Pocketing £16m himself (still owed £8m) will get £3m if promoted. Says losing £6m in the sale
...Says losing £6m in the sale

A loss for tax purposes?

Amazing he has said little about the dealings taking him out of the takeover group and how much he's been paid offshore for that.

I don't care if he makes money or not - but it strikes me that this statement is just yet more Mandaric-govno.
Mandaric when he took over:
"My primary aim is to get the club back into the Premier League. If I haven't achieved that in three years I'll see it as a failure".

Mandaric yesterday:
"I have always maintained that I would only leave the club once we were in a much better position than when I joined. I can now say, with complete confidence, that we have reached that position."

So, in his own words, he's failed. But he's now moved the goalposts so he can pretend he's achieved what he wanted to do.
According to Stringer (following his interview today with Mandy)

Milan Mandaric says he's sold LCFC for £40m. Pocketing £16m himself (still owed £8m) will get £3m if promoted. Says losing £6m in the sale

Disappointed that Stringer didn't make any effort to question the total bollux he spouted.

Disappointed that 20,000 muppets applauded him tonight as if he'd done anything worthy of it over the last four years.
Wasn't it £700k? It was certainly under a million with the obligation to invest a further £9million - but that £9million is different to a purchase price.

And the Foxes Trust, poor dears, did seem to get a bit confused when they were rambling on about £25 million.

the 9 million is part of the deal to purchase the club, its like claiming he got sheff wed for a £1 but that was only because he has to give the coop 8mill first.
the 9 million is part of the deal to purchase the club, its like claiming he got sheff wed for a £1 but that was only because he has to give the coop 8mill first.

Well of course the £9 million is part of the deal to purchase the club - that's what I said. But it's not like the Sheffield deal - a better analogy is when you have to deposit £100 to open a bank account. You're not 'paying' or 'giving' the bank £100.
The Guy had the bollocks to put his money where his mouth was and bought our club, he is a businessman and IMO both parties benefitted, Mandaric has made a decent profit whilst we have raised our profile and subsequently been taken over by an ambitious far east consortium.

It has been a rollercoaster ride with many ups and a far few downs but when you cast your mind back to when he took over we had Rob Kelly as Manager and were signing players like Luigi Glombard, Josh Low and Andy Johnson we are now managed by Sven and signing players like Kirkland, Naughton & Davies. Whether we like his style or motives we have progressed under his stewardship.

Good luck at Sheff Wednesday and I have a sneaky feeling that Pearson may just end up back in partnership with Milan.


Would love to know how many people on here have bought and sold a house or a business and made a profit?
MON wasn't a hero when he left, he dumped the club in the shit after making sure he had removed any opposition to the managers role and we ended up with Taylor. Wish City fans could be more objective about this, he was good for us overall but he has dumped every club he has managed in the shit when he goes.

What a load of old bollocks.
What a load of old bollocks.

Exactly which bit is bollocks? Was he not good for city overall? Did we not end up in the shit with a board unable to stand up to the new manager they appointed and thus wasting stacks of cash on poor signings?

If the fans had known MON was going to walk in 6 months time the reaction to the gang of 4 may have been different.
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if milan made a huge loss on the sale of lcfc, and we are in his words "guaranteed promotion this yr"....i wonder y he didn't hang on a few more months, get promoted here then sell his shares for bigger profits?
unless he thinks he will make more money getting wednesday promoted?

good luck to him though.
great game to leave on last night too!
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