Megson - BBC

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And I was right, hence my opinions.

If you're going to highlight my opinions, make sure they're proved bad ones first FFS.

Wank off - who said anything about bad ones?? I just said you have to have the different opinion to the majority. It sounds like you're a tad insecure - have you been seperated recently?
At lest we wont hav ten threds a day on who da next manager will b.

(That's harder than writing fcukin normally!!)
I didn't say you did, it was me who mentioned managerial dream team, I wasn't being serious I assure you.

Of course I have no proof, but ex-players with no managerial experience being given the job purely because they are ex-players to try & appease gullible fans is a recipe for absolute disaster.

Too right - particularly if they are overseen by a cocksucking useless has-been who everyone on here knows is a complete and utter pile of shit, but are seemingly too scared to say so
Wank off - who said anything about bad ones?? I just said you have to have the different opinion to the majority. It sounds like you're a tad insecure - have you been seperated recently?

Only from his favourite fan to sit and watch footy with :icon_lol:
Wank off - who said anything about bad ones?? I just said you have to have the different opinion to the majority. It sounds like you're a tad insecure - have you been seperated recently?
Love it, absolutely love it.

All the newbs and Nugget Heads come on, have a go at me, lose, and then start attacking my personal life.

I take it as a compliment my friend, thank you.
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:081: Aha, you got the wrong bloke mate.

I don't sing or join in any of that shit, I'm not a blinkered fan and I have always been one of the most critical of this club.

If you're going to insult somebody, research who you're insulting otherwise you'll just make yourself look like a bigger cnut than you already are doing.

sorry its my sense of humour...and again sorry...cant wait to see megsons assistant frank barlow turn up in his flat cap..
MA failed to win promotion with MK Dons who had the highest wage budget in the league - hardly a fantastic achievement.
That's sort of the point I was trying to make. You can spin it either way:

Megson has Premier League experience
Megson wasn't good enough for the Premier League

Megson has got teams promoted from this division
Megson has got teams relegated from this division

It's never ending.... the point is....

We don't know! :102:
just got up after a night on the piss.not my first choice but he will get my support.also has a coach load of feckwits joined the site while i was getting some much needed beauty sleep :102:
Love it, absolutely love it.

All the newbs and Nugget Heads come on, have a go at me, lose, and then start attacking my personal life.

I take it as a compliment my friend, thank you.

Whats a newb? Is it a newbie? If so i would thank you to take note of my joining date - if you cannot see that info i believe it was 2004? or somewhere around there........and i am not attacking your personal life, i am questioning, there is a difference. If i called you a cnut with a minging wife with spagish kids then i would be attacking
just got up after a night on the piss.not my first choice but he will get my support.also has a coach load of feckwits joined the site while i was getting some much needed beauty sleep :102:

They've been here all summer, mate

Especially that twat who deliberately takes the opposite point of view to everyone else

Trying to be the big man of the forum, I reckon

He's a nightmare
Whats a newb? Is it a newbie? If so i would thank you to take note of my joining date - if you cannot see that info i believe it was 2004? or somewhere around there........and i am not attacking your personal life, i am questioning, there is a difference. If i called you a cnut with a minging wife with spagish kids then i would be attacking
I said "Newbs and Nugget Heads", like you said, you're not a "Newb"
They've been here all summer, mate

Especially that twat who deliberately takes the opposite point of view to everyone else

Trying to be the big man of the forum, I reckon

He's a nightmare

Melton?? :icon_conf

Only kidding Melts.. :icon_wink
Well looks like the new manager will be in the next two days as Mandaric said we would have one before QPR.
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