Megson - BBC

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I am just in fear of bumping into any F*r*st fans whilst there.

I have absolutely nothing to counter argue against the fact that we have just made one of the most disappointing appointments in a very long time at the time when we are meant to be going places! :(

Its the Leicester Not Rights you want to avoid :icon_lol:

'are you from Leicester mate?' - erm no, Glasgow :icon_roll

'Where abouts?' - Hinckley, 'Oooh Not far then' - Is anywhere in Leicestershire too far from anywhere else? :icon_roll
Yes, that would be awful, wouldn't it

I didn't say it would be awful when we win like that, but what's going to happen on here when we come away 0-0 at home and created no chances. I'm a fan of long standing and want us to win at any cost, but I do want to get up from my seat a times to applaud good & entertaining play sometimes. I wouldn't be very happy if I kept going to concerts and kept seeing crap performances.
He must be a good manager... he's only been out of work for just over 18 months, so we have been lucky to get him. There must have been dozens of clubs waiting to sign him!!!
Megson's 1st Interview

Exclusive by Bill Anderson

Leicester City will today name Gary Megson as their new manager with Gerry Taggart as part of his coaching staff.

The 48-year-old former Stoke, West Bromwich Albion and Nottingham Forest boss last night agreed terms with City chairman Milan Mandaric for a contract stretching two years after the end of the current season.

Megson brings with him Frank Burrows as his assistant manager, a role he filled with Megson at Forest, and former City favourite Taggart arrives as first-team coach.

In his first interview shortly after sealing the deal, Megson spoke exclusively to the Mercury and said: “To be able to get this opportunity is fantastic and it is one I aim to grasp with both hands.

“It has taken me longer than I expected to get back into the game but, recently, I have been coaching for my good friend Tony Pulis at Stoke and I realised just how much I had missed the game.”

His playing career centred around Sheffield Wednesday and his major managerial efforts were with West Brom, but Megson appreciates his Nottingham Forest connection, however tenuous, might not go down too well with some City fans.

He said: “I know I am not going to be welcomed with open arms by everyone. I have to prove myself and I hope I can do the same job at Leicester that I did at West Brom.”

What Leicester and Mandaric want as soon as possible is promotion, and it is Megson's record with the Baggies that forms a strong basis for optimism on that front.

Megson said: “We took West Brom from second bottom up into the Premiership.

“Yes ,we went down which was no surprise on an £8million wage bill, when the next lowest was £17million, but I think I am the only manager to take a team straight back up automatically.

“So my record at this level, in terms of promotion, is probably better than anyone else's in the last 10 years.

“Yet I find myself having to defend myself for what went on at Forest.

“Some will look at that and then at what I did at West Brom and form their own opinions, but I don't want to reflect on those things but look forward.

“I am the only manager to take two teams up to the Premiership automatically and I want Leicester to be the third.”

Megson admits he finds it strange that he is viewed so much as “an ex-Forest guy”.

He said: “I am not. I was there for four months as a player, never got a game and moved on. As a manager I was there for 13 months, didn't have a good time, didn't enjoy it at all.

“If I am anything, I am a Sheffield Wednesday person, not a Forest person.

“Having said that, when we face Sheffield Wednesday I will want nothing better than to beat them.

“You give your best shot to the team you are working for and I am determined to deliver what Leicester want from me.”

The appointment comes, as Mandaric wanted, in time to pick up the Championship campaign when QPR visit the Walkers Stadium on Saturday, City having steadied themselves after their opening-day setback with two draws and a win.

And the City chairman said: “I think Gary has the experience and ability to do the job for us.

“He is a straight, honest guy who impressed me in the talks we had. You can look him straight in the eye and what you see is what you get, a strong personality who can take us forward.

“I didn't want to wait too long for more of the season to pass by, and I hope the fans appreciate my decision and that they will give him their full support.”

Burrows and Taggart, on holiday at the moment, will join up later but Megson, who was scheduled to be formally announced at lunchtime today, will go straight into action with a clear aim.

He said: “Setting up momentum in this division is important, and you do that by winning.”
I hope he comes in and does a wicked job. Then maybe some of you negative so called supporters will shut up for once.

Rather than being against a guy whose not had a chance to show us what he can or can't do, why don't you accept it's happening and get on with supporting your team.

You've changed your tune since post # 5 of this thread. I suppose you will say that you were in shock when you wrote that. I think most of us are still in shock and will be for a long time. This is a seriously disappointing appointment - and you know that in time the people who are saying so now will be the ones that have the smug look on their faces when MM sooner (probably) or later rectifies his mistake and tries again.
We haven't got a yes-man, we've got the only man we could get. Whilst Warnock, et al, may not have been officially offered the job, they made it very clear that they would not take it.
Milan's offering of a three year contract also makes sense. It is his way of saying that he wants a long term manager and that the Leicester job is not a poison chalice. When Megson is given the chop, Milan shrugs his shoulders and says that he had to take action - and the chances are, by then he will be believed!
You've changed your tune since post # 5 of this thread. I suppose you will say that you were in shock when you wrote that. I think most of us are still in shock and will be for a long time. This is a seriously disappointing appointment - and you know that in time the people who are saying so now will be the ones that have the smug look on their faces when MM sooner (probably) or later rectifies his mistake and tries again.
then there is the chance that milan and megson hit it off and prove a few people i said hes not my first choice, but he gets my support.
You've changed your tune since post # 5 of this thread. I suppose you will say that you were in shock when you wrote that. I think most of us are still in shock and will be for a long time. This is a seriously disappointing appointment - and you know that in time the people who are saying so now will be the ones that have the smug look on their faces when MM sooner (probably) or later rectifies his mistake and tries again.

I'll repeat what I have already posted. I have not once said it's a great appointment, Megson knows himself he has a lot to prove.

As far as most of the other posters are concerned Megson has already failed here. I just find that strange.
We haven't got a yes-man, we've got the only man we could get. Whilst Warnock, et al, may not have been officially offered the job, they made it very clear that they would not take it.
Milan's offering of a three year contract also makes sense. It is his way of saying that he wants a long term manager and that the Leicester job is not a poison chalice. When Megson is given the chop, Milan shrugs his shoulders and says that he had to take action - and the chances are, by then he will be believed!

... and Megson has taken a job from the only club that would appoint him.

A marriage made in HELL.
... and Megson has taken a job from the only club that would appoint him.

A marriage made in HELL.

This master-stroke appointment not making you rush to the ticket office to buy a season ticket now then Boc? :icon_lol:
we didn't say we dont like him but you have to give him a chance :102:


Why when you think a dreadful mistake has been made can't you say so and try to ensure that it is rectified as soon as possible?
This master-stroke appointment not making you rush to the ticket office to buy a season ticket now then Boc? :icon_lol:

It's making me wonder whether I even want to go to Nottingham on Tuesday. The first half of the first game was embarrassing enough; this one now has the potential for absolute disaster. If we don't get the right result this time, we will never be able to look a F!"£$t fan in the eye again.
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