Milan Mandaric

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Simple answer to that one, no we wouldn't reject on that basis.

Our comments were not against the bid, just raising questions in contrast with the Mercury coverage which had failed to do so until publishing our interview.

Our decision as to whether to back the bid will be made based on the content of the final bid and equally the consequences of not proceeding with the takeover.

Will you be falling out with the news of the world as they said the bid was worth 25 million at least twice in the paper today?:102: :icon_wink
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I think there are lessons to be learned by a few parties in this:-

1). FT - Possibly should have said the following:-

'We welcome the interest in LCFC from MM and we look forward to reading an offer for the club after its submission.'

Then nothing. Other than responding to updates on whether the bid has been received. I would not have even got involved with the whole £25m thing and left it to the Board of LCFC to sort out.

At the end of the day FT, it is commendable that you come onto boards such as these but you end up as figures of ridicule if you do not explain yourselves well. Your duty for information is to that of your membership and should you exist in any format in the future, they should be your number one priority.

2). Mercury - To retain any sense of a fair and balanced reporting view in the future, something which you expect from a regional paper of that type, not be the mouthpiece for one particular party and go into sensationalism. By reporting that the deal will go ahead with dates that now have patently passed, you make yourself out as out of the loop. You will just end up losing a section of the readership and therefore revenue.
Our decision as to whether to back the bid will be made based on the content of the final bid and equally the consequences of not proceeding with the takeover.
FT, you're gonna have to help me out here as I'm getting confused.

You keep talking about "final bid". The bid you are expecting to recieve this week, is that the "final bid"?. I'm very confused, you've told us in many, many posts that there hasn't yet been one bid recieved.

So, is this gonna be the first and final bid?, have you already recieved bids and this is the last?, or is it the first and this whole bloody process could go on for a lot longer.

Or was I right the other day when I believed that you were using clever terminology by saying "we have not yet received any bid from Mandaric" to fool the fans to believe that Mandaric was dragging his heals when all the time it was the board sending back his bids and just not passing them on to you.?

Please clarify
FT, you're gonna have to help me out here as I'm getting confused.

You keep talking about "final bid". The bid you are expecting to recieve this week, is that the "final bid"?. I'm very confused, you've told us in many, many posts that there hasn't yet been one bid recieved.

So, is this gonna be the first and final bid?, have you already recieved bids and this is the last?, or is it the first and this whole bloody process could go on for a lot longer.

Or was I right the other day when I believed that you were using clever terminology by saying "we have not yet received any bid from Mandaric" to fool the fans to believe that Mandaric was dragging his heals when all the time it was the board sending back his bids and just not passing them on to you.?

Please clarify

Not that i want to be their mouthpeice, but other information i have read has been:

indicative bids have been recieved, this has been in an attempt to come up with an offer that would be expected to be accepted. i believe what we are waiting for is an 'official' offer.
FT, you're gonna have to help me out here as I'm getting confused.

You keep talking about "final bid". The bid you are expecting to recieve this week, is that the "final bid"?. I'm very confused, you've told us in many, many posts that there hasn't yet been one bid recieved.

So, is this gonna be the first and final bid?, have you already recieved bids and this is the last?, or is it the first and this whole bloody process could go on for a lot longer.

Or was I right the other day when I believed that you were using clever terminology by saying "we have not yet received any bid from Mandaric" to fool the fans to believe that Mandaric was dragging his heals when all the time it was the board sending back his bids and just not passing them on to you.?

Please clarify

if you read your own post the answers are there ;)
Not that i want to be their mouthpeice, but other information i have read has been:

indicative bids have been recieved, this has been in an attempt to come up with an offer that would be expected to be accepted. i believe what we are waiting for is an 'official' offer.

total bollox the FT have said all alone they have not had the paperwork for any bid
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An innocent thread about me shaking the hand of Mandaric is turning out into another one of those boring beasts. oopsie. :icon_redf :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
Hold on - let's try to be slightly adult for a moment.

Any fool knows that it isn't a question of the FT having sufficient shares to stop it. That is not the point...and I think you know that.

The FT leadership is scared to come out and say look we are working to subvert this takeover...because of the comeback from its own rank and file and elsewhere. What is has consistently done is to create negative vibes and a climate of suspicion.

It's obvious that the club is crying out for a big change. It's also clear that there are few football minded people with a bit of wherewithal and willing to take responsibility. Certainly that unwillingness applies to the individual currently in and around Leicester City. And I don't blame them....why should they want to take on such a risky agenda. But the big issue is the current lack of well as cash - and I think most people know in their guts that this is the best opportunity that is likely to occur. And the FT is not being helpful...because of its own positioning interests.

i appologise for my sarcastic tone.

I do think it is ridiculous to suggest that the FT should be held responsable for the takeover failing though.

JJ quiting is much more likely to influence any shareholders than the FT, nobody has suggested he should be blamed for putting a negative spin on it?

Also, we know MM has been making indicative bids, which have been rebuffed by the board as likely to fail. are they responsable if it fails?

And it is entirely possible that MMs offer is ridiculous and SHOULD be rejected.

I Find it ridiculous for anyone without any facts on the bid, to suggest that blame should be aimed anywhere, nevermind a Trust with no power, and very little Influence in proceedings.

As the only public voice in all of this, i understand they are an easy target for frustrated fans, But is it really deserved?
total bollox the FT have said all alone they have not had the paperwork for any bid

i never said the FT had received them.

EDIT: Just seen Jeffs reply, sorry to repeat.
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i appologise for my sarcastic tone.

I do think it is ridiculous to suggest that the FT should be held responsable for the takeover failing though.

JJ quiting is much more likely to influence any shareholders than the FT, nobody has suggested he should be blamed for putting a negative spin on it?

Also, we know MM has been making indicative bids, which have been rebuffed by the board as likely to fail. are they responsable if it fails?

And it is entirely possible that MMs offer is ridiculous and SHOULD be rejected.

I Find it ridiculous for anyone without any facts on the bid, to suggest that blame should be aimed anywhere, nevermind a Trust with no power, and very little Influence in proceedings.

As the only public voice in all of this, i understand they are an easy target for frustrated fans, But is it really deserved?

There is influence through the size of shareholding and there is influence and opinion making through adopting postures that create a climate of negativity - the role of the FT falls within the latter and it can be a considerably more powerful one than it appears you would like to acknowledge.

The resigning director took an individual decision - but has not played the creepy role that is being followed by the FT.
The indicative offers have been received by the board, not by shareholders. Eventually the board would have received one they believed they could recommend to shareholders, which is the 'final bid the FT are talking about.
Exactly my point, whilst all the time the FT have been misleading the fans by saying "a bid has not yet been recieved" as if trying to discredit Mandaric. They are no better than what they have been accusing Bill Anderson of in my opinion
Exactly my point, whilst all the time the FT have been misleading the fans by saying "a bid has not yet been recieved" as if trying to discredit Mandaric. They are no better than what they have been accusing Bill Anderson of in my opinion

A bid hadn't been received by the shareholders.

Everything that's happened so far is really just negotiation between MM's people and the LCFC board, until the bid is received by shareholders they don't know the terms of the bid and can't make a decision. I think the FT have made that perfectly clear.
A bid hadn't been received by the shareholders.

Everything that's happened so far is really just negotiation between MM's people and the LCFC board, until the bid is received by shareholders they don't know the terms of the bid and can't make a decision. I think the FT have made that perfectly clear.
Come on Jeff, you can see what I'm saying. We all know that a bid hasn't been recieved by the shareholders. The FT were trying to make fans believe that no offer had been submitted by Mandaric and furthering their cause to discredit him.

Don't want to type this again, I have been typing the same thing for a while now
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