Norwich 4 Leicester 3

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Another one

Can't expect instant success

Dear Jebus, save me
Well thats it, he has to go and go now, we can forget MON he wont come back, we need somebody to get the team back to basics, I can't work out what has gone wrong, to many players have gone backwards and the defending is childish, were was Logan tonight, the one player that came away from Pompey with a bit of pride, who takes over? I would get Chris Coleman, available and knows how to get out of this problem

I agree with Chris Coleman. Did OK at Fulham and Cov with limited resources and can organise a side, unlike this idiot.
Off to work, if someone could do a summary of the PS interview I would appreciate it.

Grass too long, chilli too hot, Norfolk too north, fryatt too stupid, goalkeepers too many, Howard too old, team bus too slow, fans too few, games thick and fast, chances not put away, Norwich too physical, Milan too Portsmouth, king power too expensive. Out of depth. Out on ear.
None of the players apart from Hobbs have been allowed out of the dressing room according to Stringer.
Well thats it, he has to go and go now, we can forget MON he wont come back, we need somebody to get the team back to basics, I can't work out what has gone wrong, to many players have gone backwards and the defending is childish, were was Logan tonight, the one player that came away from Pompey with a bit of pride, who takes over? I would get Chris Coleman, available and knows how to get out of this problem

It says something about the magnitude of the problem when I probably agree that Chris Coleman would do a better job :icon_lol:
Another GIMP on the radio.........................give him a chance.....blah blah blah...............moron............................this caller even wrote to the FA to complain about the pompy ref!!! hilarious!
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None of the players apart from Hobbs have been allowed out of the dressing room according to Stringer.

Interesting .... my sources claim Sousa has had a bit of a falling out with Hobbs in recent weeks.
Maybe he stinks :102:

Maybe there doing a quiz and they'll be let out when they answer a question correctly. Nice little team building acitivity.
RL were saying that he was very red eyed when he was out doing his warm down.:102:

I genuinely believe he loves this club, and he probably isn't prepared to let the place fall to bits.
Oh FFS listen to this gimp

Martin O'Neill started badly :icon_roll

Only nine games gone :icon_roll

Those who make comparisons to MON's start clearly can't remember the results the team got.
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