the gay thread! super!
i have gay friends and indeed family
all my mates call each other gay in blokey banter though including me, i see no hypocrisy
and i can't stand camp gays, my experience is they just don't like heterosexual men, they see them as muscling in on their girly friends (to be fair, i am!)
i think an understanding of where gayness comes from helps, you are born gay and it is partially genetic and partially to do with testosterone levels in the womb
the old story about the boy being gay because the father was distant and the mother close is actually the other way round, the father is distant becasue he can tell his son is gay
oh and you're more likely to be gay if:-
1) you have a gay uncle (yet to be confrimed i think, but this suggests it's on the X chromosome)
2) you have an older brother (testosterone is higher for first borns and they are more masculine)
oh and gayness is by no way a human thing