Paul v Heather

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So why all the big dramitics by her over this divorce settlement. If she had kept her gob shut, PM might have gave her a more generous send-off anyway.
Because most men have come across women who are lovely when things are good, but when the relationship ends they turn into some complete nut case biiiaaaatch.
Not all of us are like that :)

Of course they can... but 999 out of every 1000 cases it's the man that has the money.
Why are they so hard to find then :102:

YV its always the woman, always has been and always will be.
Couldn't give a flying ****.
Not all of us are like that :)

Why are they so hard to find then :102:


I'm not saying you are... but you don't usually find out if they are until it's too late. When I move in with my mrs i'm getting a contract written up to make sure I get back what I put into the house. I'm not risking my life savings on the chance she might be one of the good ones!!!

They are hard to find because you thought £10 a head is expensive for a meal... you won't find Donald Trump in the Local Hero!! :icon_lol:
what a sexist view MG........:018:
I'm only speaking from my own, personal experience. I was shocked to be told recently that not all women are as rational and fair as I am.

They are hard to find because you thought £10 a head is expensive for a meal... you won't find Donald Trump in the Local Hero!! :icon_lol:
OK, for the record, I don't want to find a wealthy bloke, or any bloke for that matter!!!!
I'm only speaking from my own, personal experience. I was shocked to be told recently that not all women are as rational and fair as I am.

OK, for the record, I don't want to find a wealthy bloke, or any bloke for that matter!!!!

a wealthy woman then? You don't smoke cigars or a pipe do you?
I'm only speaking from my own, personal experience. I was shocked to be told recently that not all women are as rational and fair as I am.
Men fight with their fists, women fight with their evil ****ing vile mouths. Men aren't allowed to use their fists, hence the woman always ****ing wins.

You Mrs, are the exception to the rule.
Men fight with their fists, women fight with their evil ****ing vile mouths. Men aren't allowed to use their fists, hence the woman always ****ing wins.

You Mrs, are the exception to the rule.

Melts... i've never thought of it like that. You're a genius.
Men fight with their fists, women fight with their evil ****ing vile mouths. Men aren't allowed to use their fists, hence the woman always ****ing wins.

You Mrs, are the exception to the rule.

what about a good headbutt
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