People That Piss You Off

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fcukcov said:
Yeh with the bloke selling the towels and the other one selling mystery black bags full of electical items. I knew a bloke who brought one once and brought it back into the Fourwinds pub across the road and convinced the landlord to let him plug in the toaster he had got in his mystery black bag, blew all the electrics in the pub and on the camp site, pissed myself laughing!

I've spent many a moment mystified at the shite people buy at those auctions...quality patter from the geezers I must say...
Fox From The Hudd said:
I've spent many a moment mystified at the shite people buy at those auctions...quality patter from the geezers I must say...
and the plants they put in the crowd are pretty good to, its quite good to watch from a far tbh. Bit like the old artful dodgers in London.:icon_lol:
Feckin traffic wardens...... mainly the ones who speak little english and no matter what abuse you throw at them, they dont feckin understand you....:mad:
Posh Kids. Expect everything on a plate, think they are another planet and are silly idiots. Look down on people like me because I am working class and like food. I have became the 'coalminer' of Regent college, then there is posh kids and I.T. consultants is the rest of the make-up of the college.
Boy Genius said:
fecks sake dont tell me you are a traffic warden.........:eek:

No. But most people who are abusive to traffic wardens are people who cause traffic congestion by parking in the wrong place, but they're so full of their own importance they don't care about causing inconvenience to other people, they're more interested in saving a few minutes walk for themselves. Same goes for people who park in disabled spaces in supermarkets. :018:
webmaster said:
No. But most people who are abusive to traffic wardens are people who cause traffic congestion by parking in the wrong place, but they're so full of their own importance they don't care about causing inconvenience to other people, they're more interested in saving a few minutes walk for themselves. Same goes for people who park in disabled spaces in supermarkets. :018:

Glad you wisely used the word "most". I am abusive to traffic wardens, but to the kunts who book you when you are just micro seconds over the time. Not had a ticket now in ages, but they still piss me off.
Boy Genius said:
Glad you wisely used the word "most". I am abusive to traffic wardens

Why doesn't that surprise me...youll keel over one day BG with all this aggression:018:
highland fox said:
Why doesn't that surprise me...youll keel over one day BG with all this aggression:018:

Its only traffic wardens, and then only verbally..... I have just found out Fcukcov with go round with a baseball bat for a small fee.:icon_bigg
Boy Genius said:
Its only traffic wardens, and then only verbally..... I have just found out Fcukcov with go round with a baseball bat for a small fee.:icon_bigg

Sorry I'm getting you mixed up with Melton..
webmaster said:
No. But most people who are abusive to traffic wardens are people who cause traffic congestion by parking in the wrong place, but they're so full of their own importance they don't care about causing inconvenience to other people, they're more interested in saving a few minutes walk for themselves. Same goes for people who park in disabled spaces in supermarkets. :018:
And people who park on the pavements, or too close to corners, or the tossers who block our driveway. :mad:
Boy Genius said:
can't make out if thats an insult or what.......:102: :icon_bigg
Can only be complement. Highland is a great guy and one of the most important members of this forum. This place wouldn't be the same without him and he is a thoroughly all round nice guy. I can't see him insulting either of us to be honest, it just isn't in his nature.
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Melton Fox said:
Can only be complement. Highland is a great guy and one of the most important members of this forum. This place wouldn't be the same without him and he is a thoroughly all round nice guy. I can't see him insulting either of us to be honest, it just isn't in his nature.

thats what I thought. Always has a good word to say about everybody
I am working from home today, until 1pm. So far my landline has gone 4 times of which 3 of those calls were to tell me I had won a 3 mobile phone!!!!!!
I was just getting my blood pressure down when my mobile went, I had won another mobile with feckin 3. When I said great send them to me I can smack them up on ebay they then tell you to get your prize you have to sign up. kunts!

When will these people realise if you are calling a mobile phone is that I already have one of them and I dont want another and if I did it certainly would not be on 3......
As for calling my landline, feck off when I tell you and not try and push this silly way of flogging phones to me.
Oh and by the way, Leicester is not near Glasgow so if you are calling from abroad learn your UK geography, or give our call centers their jobs back..........:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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