People That Piss You Off

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I must say i'm enjoying all the Anti-American stuff on here... Have to agree with you about Baseball. I'm sure it's a great game and good luck to you if you're a fan, but man is it boring. Went to a game once - it was a work thing I got in for free - and it was THE most boring afternoon of my life. May have had something to do with the snotty-nosed ponces who were "Networking" all around me but still, I just can't get into Baseball. As for 'Football', it's actually a pretty cool sport. I think I could quite easily get into that. I'd like to go and watch a game but they always play in the middle of winter when it's sub zero with a wind chill of -50. Basketball, now there's a REALLY crap sport. You score - I score - You score.... DEFENSE PEOPLE... DEFENSE. I tried to explain the rules of cricket to a colleague once, I think I confused him more than anything. That pisses me off, Americans who say Baseball is just like Cricket and Brits who say Cricket is just like baseball... IT'S NOTHING LIKE EACH OTHER.. Yes, they both have a bat but that's it, and the bat's not even the same shape. I've got a confession to make, I instinctively now refer to our great game as 'Soccer'.... Sorry.. but what can you do. I also find myself saying 'Cell Phone' and 'Sidewalk' - which actually makes a lot more sense than 'Pavement' if you think about it. Still don't say 'Sneakers' or 'What's up' though.

Illegal immigrants, they piss me off. Fook off back home Jack.. or should I say Pedro, Hector, Gupta, whatever the hell your name is. You don't belong here, you law breaking bastrds. I'm an immigrant and I did it legally. You do it too and start paying taxes and live by the law of the land. If you don't want to do that fook of back to whatever Craphole you came from. I'm not a Racist by any means. Other Cultures are great and I cherish the fact that I lived in Londaon and now Chicago where there's a melting pot but I went through the process to be here legally, so you can to.

People who blame drug dealers or society when their stupid, immature little pr*ick of a kid OD's on drugs. Newsflash For The Family of Leah Betts. You stupid drug taking daughter was the reason your stupid drug taking daughter died. It wasn't the fault of anyone else. Sure, there was a dealer from whom someone bought the drugs but it's called supply and demand. If people didn't want drugs people wouldn't sell them. Mind you there is a way to rid the world of these parasites. Legalise all drugs and make them free but ban the use of needles so people have to share needles. If they don't OD then there gonna get infected. Ban treatment on the NHS for drug related problems and hey presto, problem solved. Less of a burden on health services so the decent people have more resources and if the drug users get fooked up and they can't get treatment then there all gonna die and everyone will be better off.

Rents in London... That pisses me off.

People who tell me wrestling is 'Fake' so how can I watch it.. "He's not really hitting him you know?". No sh*t sherlock but guess what, the Queen Vic isn't a real pub and millions of you sit there and watch what's going on inside it.

People who say the word 'like', twenty times in one sentence... "So like, I was like, going to School like and this guy like was sitting opposite me and like he......" IDIOTS.. Maybe this is an American thing. Actually maybe it's a certain type of dumb teenage American College Moron thing. Unfortunately as I work at a University over here I here quite a lot of these.

People who hate George Bush and when you ask them why they don't have a single logical reason... That pisses me off. If you don't like him then thats fine, but at least know why you don't like him. Don't just say something because you think it's cool.

People who wear head to toe denim. A pair of jeans, a denim shirt and a denim jacket... Not a cool look.

Burberry - only one thing worse that Burberry and that's fake burberry. People who pay to look like a walking picnic blanket... that pisses me off.

Anthea Turner and Bruce Forsyth. Are they still on TV nowadays? They piss me off.

Old fookers who tell me they fought in the war for me. Guess what Jack, I didn't ask you to and chances are you were conscripted anyway. Not gonna respect you just because you're old.

Princess Diana. I know the Media Whore has been gone for a while now but she still pisses me off. Oooh look at me, i'm such a humanitarian, I touch the hands of Aids victims and I visit mine victims. I don't go off on a low key trip and touch the hands of aids victims just because I want to. No, I make sure to take the biggest press core I can with me, not to mention a stylist, God for bid I should look anything other than my best despite the fact that i'm standing in a shack hut in the heart of a South African Township, so I can get maximum press attention and fool everyone into thinking i'm sooooo great, all the while i'm shagging my way through the ranks of British Aristocracy.
On that note, Prince Harry... What a twat.
londonfox said:
IPeople who blame drug dealers or society when their stupid, immature little pr*ick of a kid OD's on drugs. Newsflash For The Family of Leah Betts. You stupid drug taking daughter was the reason your stupid drug taking daughter died. It wasn't the fault of anyone else. Sure, there was a dealer from whom someone bought the drugs but it's called supply and demand. If people didn't want drugs people wouldn't sell them. Mind you there is a way to rid the world of these parasites. Legalise all drugs and make them free but ban the use of needles so people have to share needles. If they don't OD then there gonna get infected. Ban treatment on the NHS for drug related problems and hey presto, problem solved. Less of a burden on health services so the decent people have more resources and if the drug users get fooked up and they can't get treatment then there all gonna die and everyone will be better off.


certainly nothing to do with bottle of vodka she drank with it either, silly bint:icon_roll
Brauny Blue said:
Of course i've put her right since then
:icon_razz I'm sure you have Brauny...:icon_wink
London, agree with most of what you posted:038: .

Apart from the Anthea Turner bit...:018:
People who annouce a quiz for friday then have tow rounds two fecking days early.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Anybody that appears in any of the new TomTom adverts! "Doug doug is it left here doug doug is it right here", for fecks sake buy a TomTom and feck off you silly bi**h.
Hey Londonfox, after reading that huge post, I thought I had posted it, had to check the name to make sure. Everything you say is spot on, but you forgot to mention the twats who will not fly anywhere because they cannot smoke, and the tossers who are not going to go out when the smoking ban comes in because they cannot have a fag. That bastard Ken Livingstone and his congestion charge, when he found out it had not raised as much as he wanted he put the fecker up to £8. Tony Blair and how he will not put taxes up, then fecks you up the arse for everything else. and Arsen Wenger because hes french.......
Brauny Blue said:
On subject.............the mothers who pick up their little darlings from the school near my house in their big 4x4's. Stop clogging the road up with your illegal parking and let the little feckers walk cos none of them live more than 10 minutes away.

Which schools that....Ravenhurst?
Boy Genius said:
Hey Londonfox, after reading that huge post, I thought I had posted it, had to check the name to make sure. Everything you say is spot on, but you forgot to mention the twats who will not fly anywhere because they cannot smoke, and the tossers who are not going to go out when the smoking ban comes in because they cannot have a fag. That bastard Ken Livingstone and his congestion charge, when he found out it had not raised as much as he wanted he put the fecker up to £8. Tony Blair and how he will not put taxes up, then fecks you up the arse for everything else. and Arsen Wenger because hes french.......

Great minds think laike my friend.

Now we just have to convert everyone else...!
Football commentators / experts (usually former players) who blame the ref when he sends a player off who has clearly cheated and should be shown a red card. It's the player's fault, don't blame the ref!
These same 'experts' are always moaning about the refs not being consistent, but expect refs to make decisions based on the match situation, or on whether it will "spoil" the match, where's the consistency in that.

Then when you turn over the channel to escape that, you have to put up with a commentator who uses the word "midrift". Surely if your job is to commentate, you should at least have a basic grasp of the English language.
webmaster said:
Then when you turn over the channel to escape that, you have to put up with a commentator who uses the word "midrift". Surely if your job is to commentate, you should at least have a basic grasp of the English language.

David Pleat.
webmaster said:
Football commentators / experts (usually former players) who blame the ref when he sends a player off who has clearly cheated and should be shown a red card. It's the player's fault, don't blame the ref!
These same 'experts' are always moaning about the refs not being consistent, but expect refs to make decisions based on the match situation, or on whether it will "spoil" the match, where's the consistency in that.

Then when you turn over the channel to escape that, you have to put up with a commentator who uses the word "midrift". Surely if your job is to commentate, you should at least have a basic grasp of the English language.
:038: Midrift = Pleat?, he usually talks bollox. Like., "if the ball was on target it would have stood a better chance of going in"
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