People That Piss You Off

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Hitting somebody smaller than you in an effort to cause them pain is physical assault.
I don't give a **** what twisted logic you've applied to your actions, it is assault.

So if someone smaller than you was beating the crap out of you, what would you do? :icon_conf
My sister is the same as you & Homer, Macky, and her kids are totally obnoxious and badly behaved, most of the time.
So if someone smaller than you was beating the crap out of you, what would you do? :icon_conf

I'd probably kick them in the nuts, then try to bite their ear off, but we're getting off topic
you can instill discipline without the need to hit the kids and the earlier you do it the better
you can instill discipline without the need to hit the kids and the earlier you do it the better

Bit late for that. I hit him once on the backside in 1987, but he was so well behaved afterwards that people used to compliment me on it. And I never, ever hit him again. But tell me, how do you instill discipline without resorting to bribes? Isn't that just letting kids manipulate you?
Being a parent to four children is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

They test you to the limit, you have to develop a whole load of new skills that you never knew existed and almost 100% of your own personal time has to be dedicated to them.

It is hard, it is harder than I could ever imagined it would be, just the same as everybody finds. However, the rewards are not quantifiable, and the love that is exchanged doesn't have words that can describe it.

Unless a parent actually beats a child, neglects a child, abuses a child, I find it very difficult to judge them for just a short sharp smack on the fingers or a tap on the bum. I guess it all comes down to definition of abuse.

I for one, would never judge another parent on their disciplinary methods so long as it is within the law. It's a bloody hard job.

I would love to be the best Daddy in the world, but I can't find the manual that tells me how to do this.
Being a parent to four children is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

They test you to the limit, you have to develop a whole load of new skills that you never knew existed and almost 100% of your own personal time has to be dedicated to them.

It is hard, it is harder than I could ever imagined it would be, just the same as everybody finds. However, the rewards are not quantifiable, and the love that is exchanged doesn't have words that can describe it.

Unless a parent actually beats a child, neglects a child, abuses a child, I find it very difficult to judge them for just a short sharp smack on the fingers or a tap on the bum. I guess it all comes down to definition of abuse.

I for one, would never judge another parent on their disciplinary methods so long as it is within the law. It's a bloody hard job.

I would love to be the best Daddy in the world, but I can't find the manual that tells me how to do this.

nice post :038:
Being a parent to four children is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

They test you to the limit, you have to develop a whole load of new skills that you never knew existed and almost 100% of your own personal time has to be dedicated to them.

It is hard, it is harder than I could ever imagined it would be, just the same as everybody finds. However, the rewards are not quantifiable, and the love that is exchanged doesn't have words that can describe it.

Unless a parent actually beats a child, neglects a child, abuses a child, I find it very difficult to judge them for just a short sharp smack on the fingers or a tap on the bum. I guess it all comes down to definition of abuse.

I for one, would never judge another parent on their disciplinary methods so long as it is within the law. It's a bloody hard job.

I would love to be the best Daddy in the world, but I can't find the manual that tells me how to do this.

Their will never be one mate everybody writes there own when you have kids .


as long as you show them right from wrong ,and guide them on there way its the best anyone could do and, always be there form them when needed ,you carnt go too far wrong ,like i said thats IMO as a daddy of five
Well I have three. And they all seem to have turned out ok. Despite the "abuse" I meted out to one of them once.
If anyone is genuinely interested in this topic:

I have been beating my son for the last seven years, sometimes rendering him barely able to breath - whereas I treat my daughter like a princess and do not lay a finger on her.

In another 8-10years we should have pretty conclusive evidence to kill off the whole smacking/non-smacking debate for once and for all but in the meantime initial results look like smacking breeds an irrational belief in a deity.
If anyone is genuinely interested in this topic:

I have been beating my son for the last seven years, sometimes rendering him barely able to breath - whereas I treat my daughter like a princess and do not lay a finger on her.

In another 8-10years we should have pretty conclusive evidence to kill off the whole smacking/non-smacking debate for once and for all but in the meantime initial results look like smacking breeds an irrational belief in a deity.

Of the five of us, I'm the only one who became a Christian. There goes your theory Mr "Irrational belief in a deity, not interested in your dumbass God" Smartass. :018::icon_bigg
I do have the occasional "out of ****" experience you know :icon_wink

Sex with chickens doesn't count as 'out of ****' you Meltonian weirdo.

I've seen the massive sheds out there staffed by big eared boys.
People (blokes!!) that use the 'SuperPoke' application on Facebook to tell you that they have 'dry humped' you.

Fecking perverts.
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