People That Piss You Off

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Cyclists, if they are on the road they should be insured and pay road fund tax.

Until then if I cut them up, it's just ****ing tough!
Cyclists, if they are on the road they should be insured and pay road fund tax.

Until then if I cut them up, it's just ****ing tough!
Course they should - because all that wear and tear they make on the road surface is shocking isn't it?

Members of the CTC or the national organisation for British Cycling (which is the majority of serious cyclists) already have third party cover stretching to £10,000,000. I'm guessing that would be enough to keep you in meals and nursing care should you be unfortunate enough to be hit by one.
I'd have a lot more sympathy for cyclists if they all respected footpaths and used cycle lanes properly. The amount of times when driving that you get stuck behind a cyclist who should be using an adjacent cycle path or almost get hit by cyclists on the footpaths is not funny.
if im on my bike most of the time ill cycle on the footpath because

1) its a busy road and the surface is bad which means swinging out into the road to avoid potholes

2) because i dont want to get clipped by arseholes behind the wheel so its safer for both of us

3) when im on the footpath i get off my bike to pass pedestrians then hop back on
I'd have a lot more sympathy for cyclists if they all respected footpaths and used cycle lanes properly. The amount of times when driving that you get stuck behind a cyclist who should be using an adjacent cycle path or almost get hit by cyclists on the footpaths is not funny.

Luckily, since so many cycle paths are so appallingly designed, it is only 'could'.

But cycling on the pavement once you're more than 6 years old is mostly stupid and wrong.
****'s on bikes who breeze through red lights and give way signs. Kill these people.
if im on my bike most of the time ill cycle on the footpath because

1) its a busy road and the surface is bad which means swinging out into the road to avoid potholes

2) because i dont want to get clipped by arseholes behind the wheel so its safer for both of us

3) when im on the footpath i get off my bike to pass pedestrians then hop back on

These are just the standard excuses used by cyclists for flouting the law and riding anywhere they like. If there is no cycle path/lane you should be riding on the road as stated in the highway code and drivers should be treating you with the correct level of respect. Pedestrians shouldn't be constantly have to be looking out for idiots on bikes.
These are just the standard excuses used by cyclists for flouting the law and riding anywhere they like. If there is no cycle path/lane you should be riding on the road as stated in the highway code and drivers should be treating you with the correct level of respect. Pedestrians shouldn't be constantly have to be looking out for idiots on bikes.

first of all im not an idiot on a bike, secondly when i cycle on the footpath im not going at any great speed and as i said i get off my bike before i pass pedestrians so theyre not having to look over their shoulders and as for drivers showing cyclists respect then that is lacking a lot round here, oh and as for breaking the law ive been spotted a few times cycling on footpaths by the police they look and carry on so theyre clearly not that bothered
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first of all im not an idiot on a bike, secondly when i cycle on the footpath im not going at any great speed and as i said i get off my bike before i pass pedestrians so theyre not having to look over their shoulders and as for drivers showing cyclists respect then that is lacking a lot round here, oh and as for breaking the law ive been spotted a few times cycling on footpaths by the police they look and carry on so theyre clearly not that bothered

Did I say you were an idiot on a bike? You aren't the only cyclist in the country.

It is still an offense, just because the police can't be bothered to enforce the majority of our laws doesn't mean it is morally right to break them. Cyclists on footpaths are a menace and there are laws and regulations in place for a reason. It's antisocial so don't do it!
Brought my mrs a bike at the weekend and she hasn't rode one for about 15 years so I have to teach her the rules!
if im on my bike most of the time ill cycle on the footpath because

1) its a busy road and the surface is bad which means swinging out into the road to avoid potholes

2) because i dont want to get clipped by arseholes behind the wheel so its safer for both of us

3) when im on the footpath i get off my bike to pass pedestrians then hop back on

Ayur got a basket on t'front ot'byke?
I'd have a lot more sympathy for cyclists if they all respected footpaths and used cycle lanes properly. The amount of times when driving that you get stuck behind a cyclist who should be using an adjacent cycle path or almost get hit by cyclists on the footpaths is not funny.
Invariably the footpath comment is as a result of some yoot peddling like blinking flip down a crowded path - which simply isn't a problem in most cases on most paths as signified by all of the cycle paths that were instantly created by painting white lines down the middle of an existing pavement...thereby leading to wholesale confusion over whether it was no legal to cycle on pavements or not.

As for being stuck behind cyclists, I have zero sympathy for anyone impatient enough to get agitated over being delayed by a matter of seconds. Do you reserve the same ire for a bus that has the audacity to block your journey while passengers alight? How about those cock-suckers on the special bus who take a bloody age to climb on board? As for those bastard ambulances who expect me to pull over to the side of the road while they scream past...grrr. They fair make my blood boil.

As far as I can see, drivers have got increasingly selfish and blinkered over the last 20 years - evident in the ceaseless bouts of road-rage they indulge in. Christ! Flipping a swith because of some perceived injustice has to be small-cock compansation if I ever saw it. Dickheads.

Car drivers need to learn to chill the **** out.
Invariably the footpath comment is as a result of some yoot peddling like blinking flip down a crowded path - which simply isn't a problem in most cases on most paths as signified by all of the cycle paths that were instantly created by painting white lines down the middle of an existing pavement...thereby leading to wholesale confusion over whether it was no legal to cycle on pavements or not.

As for being stuck behind cyclists, I have zero sympathy for anyone impatient enough to get agitated over being delayed by a matter of seconds. Do you reserve the same ire for a bus that has the audacity to block your journey while passengers alight? How about those cock-suckers on the special bus who take a bloody age to climb on board? As for those bastard ambulances who expect me to pull over to the side of the road while they scream past...grrr. They fair make my blood boil.

As far as I can see, drivers have got increasingly selfish and blinkered over the last 20 years - evident in the ceaseless bouts of road-rage they indulge in. Christ! Flipping a swith because of some perceived injustice has to be small-cock compansation if I ever saw it. Dickheads.

Car drivers need to learn to chill the **** out.

WRT the bikes on roads slowing cars, I have no problem with it as long as they are supposed to be on the road, if there is a perfectly good cycle path within 10 feet of the road (such as on Enderby Road) why do cyclists ride on the road slowing traffic?

Bad drivers are the main reason that cyclists, feeling threatened, take to the paths but that just leads to the pedestrians being harrassed by cyclists (not all cyclist however).
Car drivers need to learn to chill the **** out.

Something I was thinking about this morning. Esp. after utter rage I shown yesterday afternoon when I found my car's wing mirror dislodged in a car park because some twat had knocked it. Luckily, I could lock it back in.

That would have been the second time in 3 months sometimes happened to my car through no fault of my own.
WRT the bikes on roads slowing cars, I have no problem with it as long as they are supposed to be on the road, if there is a perfectly good cycle path within 10 feet of the road (such as on Enderby Road) why do cyclists ride on the road slowing traffic?

Bad drivers are the main reason that cyclists, feeling threatened, take to the paths but that just leads to the pedestrians being harrassed by cyclists (not all cyclist however).
I've no idea what that section of cycle path is like - but the main reason riders avoid cycle paths is because of the sheer ineptitude in the planning and implementation of if the Trust have a sideline in cycle-path design.

I always use roads, always have, as I like to maintain progress rather than having to stop at every road junction a path crosses. Not only that, but the crap that can be found on pavements f*cks up road bike tyres. It's fine if you are pootling about on a MTB or a commuter - but not on 700cc wheels and tyres.
I've no idea what that section of cycle path is like - but the main reason riders avoid cycle paths is because of the sheer ineptitude in the planning and implementation of if the Trust have a sideline in cycle-path design.

My favourite is Evington Lane. Most of it is just the standard 18 inches of debris-filled gutter painted green, but it also has special chicanes in it, while the road itself doesn't. I have no idea why any cyclist would ever use it.
My favourite is Evington Lane. Most of it is just the standard 18 inches of debris-filled gutter painted green, but it also has special chicanes in it, while the road itself doesn't. I have no idea why any cyclist would ever use it.
Members of the CTC or the national organisation for British Cycling (which is the majority of serious cyclists) already have third party cover stretching to £10,000,000. .

and how many cyclist are not in your bleedin club then? Have they got insurance.
If they use the road they should pay.
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