People That Piss You Off

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Christ I hate Sky. The liars and the morons who staff their wankpot call centre in Mumbai or Deli or where ever. Every single Kevin, Gloria and Stephanie Gupta.

I ****ing hate Sky.
Anyone who suggests, infers, or says outright that I look like Tara Palmer-Tomkinson.

I don't. Ok?

One can understand why.

I am living with an absolute nightmare of a boy here in halls. He's called Kenrick, and has just come over from Mumbai as an international student. I understand he's having a bit of a culture shock, I understand that he isn't used to the way we do thing, but for ****s sake, some of the things he gets up to are just ridiculous.

He gets food everywhere when he cooks (although seeing him blow up an egg in the microwave was pretty funny), he can't grasp the concept of washing up with a sponge and hot water - dishes invariably end up dirtier than when he started. The other day I left a packet of fags on the table to find that he had taken every single one and arranged them into a circle on the dinner table. He simulated sex with an elephant while we were trying to eat for some ****ing reason. If you're at the bar playing pool oron a quiz machine, he'll move balls around or tap the screen when you're working out an answer.

Its only been a month and we're trying to teach him but seriously, why me?
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I am living with an absolute nightmare of a boy here in halls. He's called Kenrick, and has just come over from Mumbai as an international student. I understand he's having a bit of a culture shock, I understand that he isn't used to the way we do thing, but for ****s sake, some of the things he gets up to are just ridiculous.

He gets food everywhere when he cooks (although seeing him blow up an egg in the microwave was pretty funny), he can't grasp the concept of washing up with a sponge and hot water - dishes invariably end up dirtier than when he started. The other day I left a packet of fags on the table to find that he had taken every single one and arranged them into a circle on the dinner table. He simulated sex with an elephant while we were trying to eat for some ****ing reason. If you're at the bar playing pool oron a quiz machine, he'll move balls around or tap the screen when you're working out an answer.

Its only been a month and we're trying to teach him but seriously, why me?

TBF he just sounds like a twat.
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