People That Piss You Off

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What an incredibly ignorant and twat like statement. How can you wish someone to die because of their policies, when no matter what you think she changed the face of politics for the better. (put badly).

So, I'm taking that as a 'no' then for the party after she slowly, painfully leaves the planet?

Shame. We are having jelly and cake and everything and will really miss having you and your sparkling wit & intelligence round for it.

Never mind, I'm sure we'll cope.
I am living with an absolute nightmare of a boy here in halls. He's called Kenrick, and has just come over from Mumbai as an international student. I understand he's having a bit of a culture shock, I understand that he isn't used to the way we do thing, but for ****s sake, some of the things he gets up to are just ridiculous.

He gets food everywhere when he cooks (although seeing him blow up an egg in the microwave was pretty funny), he can't grasp the concept of washing up with a sponge and hot water - dishes invariably end up dirtier than when he started. The other day I left a packet of fags on the table to find that he had taken every single one and arranged them into a circle on the dinner table. He simulated sex with an elephant while we were trying to eat for some ****ing reason. If you're at the bar playing pool oron a quiz machine, he'll move balls around or tap the screen when you're working out an answer.

Its only been a month and we're trying to teach him but seriously, why me?

When I was in halls in my first year, we had a Chinese guy who literally never left his room the entire time we were there. We didn't even know what his name was till a month in when a letter addressed to him turned up. Some of his more bizarre moments included

1). The first ever night of university, his parents and twin brother stayed in his tiny room with him

2). He only ever ate ready meals-he literally had a freezer full of them-and he brought a microwave so he would only ever have to cook in his room

3). he walked around with weird orange shit stuck on his face

4). One time me and my then GF walked into the kitchen, and as soon as we did, he walked out, even though he was in the middle of washing up

5). The only time I ever had a conversation with him was getting back from a night out at about 3:30am to find him in the kitchen boiling 50 eggs-when I asked him why he said it was to snack on.

****ing fruit loop.
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So, I'm taking that as a 'no' then for the party after she slowly, painfully leaves the planet?

Shame. We are having jelly and cake and everything and will really miss having you and your sparkling wit & intelligence round for it.

Never mind, I'm sure we'll cope.
Being the consumate professional, I expect Baroness Thatcher will hang on until early 2015 to ensure a Conservative landslide at the next election.
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Being the consumate professional, I expect Baroness Thatcher will hang on until early 2015 to ensure a Conservative landslide at the next election.

There are many who think the present government are making the Conservatives unelectable for an entire generation.
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So, I'm taking that as a 'no' then for the party after she slowly, painfully leaves the planet?

Shame. We are having jelly and cake and everything and will really miss having you and your sparkling wit & intelligence round for it.

Never mind, I'm sure we'll cope.

Please save me some, Mark is driving me round later in his 4X4, he's bought a sat nav and everything.
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