People That Piss You Off

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people that insist on using the self service tills in supermarkets and then dont know how to fuffing well use them.... :mad:
Yep. The worst, though, are the ones who do know how to use them but have brought along someone who doesn't. This second person then tries to 'help' by taking the bags off the bagging area every two seconds and rearranging things in the bags. The first person then gets more and more frustrated as the machine repeatedly admonishes them for removing items and prevents them from scanning other goods, and the whole process takes ten times longer.
Yeah Motherfuffers !!!!!!

Otherw*s* known as 'the slow tills'

Yep. The worst, though, are the ones who do know how to use them but have brought along someone who doesn't. This second person then tries to 'help' by taking the bags off the bagging area every two seconds and rearranging things in the bags. The first person then gets more and more frustrated as the machine repeatedly admonishes them for removing items and prevents them from scanning other goods, and the whole process takes ten times longer.

...and not to mention the ****tards who queue up at a till and then when they come to pay fumble around in their bag to find their purse, then to infuriiate people even more try and pay in cash the exact amount and find they haven't enough change and produce a note instead...

...and ****tards at traffic lights who have nothing to do while the lights are red other than to get their car into gear and then wait until the lights are green, realise they are not in gear, rev the bollocks off their car and then stall...women uH.

Yep. The worst, though, are the ones who do know how to use them but have brought along someone who doesn't. This second person then tries to 'help' by taking the bags off the bagging area every two seconds and rearranging things in the bags. The first person then gets more and more frustrated as the machine repeatedly admonishes them for removing items and prevents them from scanning other goods, and the whole process takes ten times longer.

I didn't realise that you'd met Mrs Boc.
people that insist on using the self service tills in supermarkets and then dont know how to fuffing well use them.... :mad:
Even better, students who say they're with their mate (who is actually paying up) to jump the queue for the self service till, and then don't know how to use them.

Yep. The worst, though, are the ones who do know how to use them but have brought along someone who doesn't. This second person then tries to 'help' by taking the bags off the bagging area every two seconds and rearranging things in the bags. The first person then gets more and more frustrated as the machine repeatedly admonishes them for removing items and prevents them from scanning other goods, and the whole process takes ten times longer.

Yes, this is very annoying. I shall, however, say no more on the subject.

...and ****tards at traffic lights who have nothing to do while the lights are red other than to get their car into gear and then wait until the lights are green, realise they are not in gear, rev the bollocks off their car and then stall...women uH.

Oi!! :018:
Even better, students who say they're with their mate (who is actually paying up) to jump the queue for the self service till, and then don't know how to use them.

Yes, this is very annoying. I shall, however, say no more on the subject.

Oi!! :018:

Everyone who was involved in any way in the creation of Louie ****ing Spence, everyone who perpetuates or aids the continuation of his existence, everyone who contributes to his continued employment in any environment with television cameras and everyone who doesn't actively seek to kick his absurdly flamboyant face in until the end of time.

The arrogant ****.
Everyone who was involved in any way in the creation of Louie ****ing Spence, everyone who perpetuates or aids the continuation of his existence, everyone who contributes to his continued employment in any environment with television cameras and everyone who doesn't actively seek to kick his absurdly flamboyant face in until the end of time.

The arrogant ****.

Should I be happy in my ignorance? Or do I gooogle it to find out so that I can hate him as well?
Everyone who was involved in any way in the creation of Louie ****ing Spence, everyone who perpetuates or aids the continuation of his existence, everyone who contributes to his continued employment in any environment with television cameras and everyone who doesn't actively seek to kick his absurdly flamboyant face in until the end of time.

The arrogant ****.

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