Police speed camera

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Good point

Even better if you're eating a Ginsters with one hand, and masturbating with the other
Would wipe out all RTAs in a second

I'm sure I read a report from some University or other that said so

I'm sorry but I really don't like this idea. Would I be allowed to text instead?
I'm sorry but I really don't like this idea. Would I be allowed to text instead?

Yes, but it would have to be mucky text.

And you'd have to have your phone set to 'vibrate' for the replies
I always used to watch The Time, The Place. Mmmmm, John Stapleton. If I had my way, he'd have my cock up his arse every day of the week, three times a day.

Why on Earth men notice Kate Garraway when he's sat next to her is beyond me.
Granted, he's aged well. But I now feel sick after reading your perverse post.
How does introducing tired drivers into the discussion help your argument?

You really do have a talent for expounding strange and dangerous theories.

The link is the affect of stimulation on the alertness of the brain.

A comparison of driving at night on an empty motorway while tired compared to a moderate amount of alcohol in a simulator found that the driver with alcohol adhered to the lanes better and reacted to vehicles more quickly. Whereas in urban conditions the tired driver performed better and the effect of alcohol on coordination impairs the driver in staying on the left hand side of the centre of the road when negotiating tight bends etc.

I think the study was designed to show the danger of driving tired but essentially the explanation is that in urban conditions the increased proximity of cars, buildings etc stimulates the brain more and raises the alertness of the tired driver. Whereas on a relatively empty motorway the repetitive nature of the scenery means the tired driver performs worse than the slightly pissed one.

The point is maintaining concentration for extended periods of time becomes difficult without stimulation and below a certain speed (which is different for everyone) the brain does not receive enough information to be alert.

Which is backed up by the fact that over 85% (could be higher) of accidents occur at speeds below 10mph.
The link is the affect of stimulation on the alertness of the brain.

A comparison of driving at night on an empty motorway while tired compared to a moderate amount of alcohol in a simulator found that the driver with alcohol adhered to the lanes better and reacted to vehicles more quickly. Whereas in urban conditions the tired driver performed better and the effect of alcohol on coordination impairs the driver in staying on the left hand side of the centre of the road when negotiating tight bends etc.

I think the study was designed to show the danger of driving tired but essentially the explanation is that in urban conditions the increased proximity of cars, buildings etc stimulates the brain more and raises the alertness of the tired driver. Whereas on a relatively empty motorway the repetitive nature of the scenery means the tired driver performs worse than the slightly pissed one.

The point is maintaining concentration for extended periods of time becomes difficult without stimulation and below a certain speed (which is different for everyone) the brain does not receive enough information to be alert.

Which is backed up by the fact that over 85% (could be higher) of accidents occur at speeds below 10mph.

Oh for goodness sake. Either cite sources for your ridiculous theories or shut up.

backed up by the fact that over 85% (could be higher) of accidents occur at speeds below 10mph.

Did that not hurt? You ought to be careful, pulling 'facts' out of your arse like that could cause serious injury
Oh for goodness sake. Either cite sources for your ridiculous theories or shut up.

Not my theories.

Fifth gear episode summary


Series 3 episode 2, not a description of the feature granted but why would they make a feature if it showed what people expected..

There are hundreds of articles about the none linear relationship between speed and safety here's the first out of google...


and here's the first one when you google road accidents below 10mph about the number of low speed accidents


which says 43.5% of accidents occur below 10mph and 80% when including stationary vehicles. I'll try and dig out the stat I referred to but I came across it a number of years ago when I did more driving.
Fifth Gear, safespeed and indiacar.net are not exactly renowned for their objectivity though, are they?

Don't worry about digging any more of your stats out. If that's the best you can do, I can safely ignore you.
i had the following email sent to me last last night on this very subject. i've checked mine out.

Date: Monday, 1 March, 2009, 11:49 PM

Speed Cameras

Thought you might be interested to know that following the UK
Government's freedom of information act you can now get access to ALL
speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months.

Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera,even 1mph
over the set limit, it is registered and put on a database? You only get
a ticket if you are way over the limit or, (this is the bit that I
didn't know) if you receive over 10 near misses, you will be classed as
a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the

This is why you hear of people being done for 34mph in a 30mph limit
area, whilst others doing 39 do not. You can check what has been
registered against your vehicle at the following web address:


You will be asked for a password, but just click on the need a Password
link and you will be given one for future use. Or just enter your car

If there is any data on your vehicle you can click on the camera window
to see a copy of the photograph.

Hope it's useful.
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