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Are you prepared to concede that she did actually do some good?

What like deregulating the banking and financial industry and introducing the model that has led directly to the point of collapse that we're at now? No, she was a ****, good riddance to bad rubbish.
I'm with you Spion, she's a giant amongst pygmies.

What makes me laugh is that many of those who would seek to dance on her grave weren't even around or old enough to understand anything whilst she was in power.

I would concede that she was divisive and not to everybody's taste. I could even be persuaded that she did some things that in hindsight were not right. But **** me, she did plenty that was right too.
Are you prepared to concede that she did actually do some good?

Seeing as I referred to her as a **** and am obviously looking forward to having a ****ing good laugh when she ****s off for good - why on Earth would you even pose that question?

No, no I would not concede that she did any good because for the life of me I fail to see how her "successes" can be classified as such.

She destroyed families, lives, communities and industries. She promoted values only the selfish, stupid and greedy could look up to and she created a poisonous atmosphere within the country which bred a vapid society bent on gossip, league tables and celebrity.

She was a war-mongering, murdering **** who didn't mind who she fought with as long as it was bloody and unevenly matched.

But without her and her bunch of emasculated ****heads Spitting Image wouldn't have been half as funny. There again, it wouldn't have been needed because we all wouldn't have been as pissed off.

The line of people queuing up to piss on her grave better be short because I'll be holding a very full bladder.
She was a war-mongering, murdering **** who didn't mind who she fought with as long as it was bloody and unevenly matched.

Can I assume you wouldn't have sent the task force to take back and protect the Falkland Islands had it been up to you?
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She destroyed families, lives, communities and industries. She promoted values only the selfish, stupid and greedy could look up to and she created a poisonous atmosphere within the country which bred a vapid society bent on gossip, league tables and celebrity.

I must have missed the "Vapid Gossip act" of 1988, they must have rushed that through parliament when we weren't looking, the evil tory ****s.

I'm always surprised how working hard and taking risks is regarded as greed but when strikers demanded inflation busting pay deals while productivity was falling was considered somehow noble. Perhaps the drunk on power unions had a bit to do with destroying industries.

league tables
That was Labour.

She was a war-mongering, murdering **** who didn't mind who she fought with as long as it was bloody and unevenly matched.
Unlike the last Labour govt? At least all her wars, just 2 iIrc, were all legal.
I'm always surprised how working hard and taking risks is regarded as greed but when strikers demanded inflation busting pay deals while productivity was falling was considered somehow noble. Perhaps the drunk on power unions had a bit to do with destroying industries.

Save your breath Major. There's no way you can get through to a closed mind.

I just find the attitude of Mawsley and his ilk very sad.
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Save your breath Major. There's no way you can get through to a closed mind.

I just find the attitude of Mawsley and his ilk very sad.

I've met Mawsley a couple of times and he's a good chap, I just don't see the need for the hate. Gordon Brown must the worst PM in living memory but I wouldn't take any pleasure if he died.
Can I assume you wouldn't have sent the task force to take back and protect the Falkland Islands had it been up to you?

You can assume anything you like - but it's only making an ass out of you.

Unlike the last Labour govt?
Why would I give a shit about them? My feelings have nothing to do with party politics.

I've met Mawsley a couple of times and he's a good chap, I just don't see the need for the hate. Gordon Brown must the worst PM in living memory but I wouldn't take any pleasure if he died.
And are you sure you have the right person? I know you?

I'm more than happy to have a few pints when he dies too but he was just inept...Thatcher didn't just inflict suffering nationally to others, she caused it to me and a number of people I loved which is why I still burn with vitriol.
Can I assume you wouldn't have sent the task force to take back and protect the Falkland Islands had it been up to you?

You can assume anything you like - but it's only making an ass out of you.

I realised as soon as I typed it that it was leaving me wide open to the 'ass of u and me' saying!

Anyway, leaving assumptions to one side, a direct question. If you were in charge would you have sent the task force to the Falklands?
Why would I give a shit about them? My feelings have nothing to do with party politics.
How can you criticise Mrs T for getting us involved in 2 wars that she didn't start but be indifferent to Labour's illegal war?

And are you sure you have the right person? I know you?

It's more from FT, I met you at Barnsley away and briefly at Oldham away in the league1 season.
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How can you criticise Mrs T for getting us involved in 2 wars that she didn't start but be indifferent to Labour's illegal war?

I didn't realise you were switching from Brown to Blair - do you want me to list off something definitive regarding conflicts through the ages I approve of? ;)
If you were in charge would you have sent the task force to the Falklands?

When did I take power, was I voted in as a Prime Minister with a large majority by sheep and am I allowed to state what part of my campaigning manifesto contained? What a great game reinventing history is.

Of course what you are after is a simple 'no' because life appears to be that simple to you, it's either left or it's right, but that isn't the way it works. Sorry.

You'll go on to keep all other variables the same and make cheap inferences whereas my Dr Who-like appearance in the time stream will have massive repercussions.

For a starter, if you insist I change history we run the risk of losing 'The List. No one wants that. Nwets will move to Milwall not Villa, BG will be voted Politest Poster three seasons running and Steven will be posting links to rumour sites/pictures of naked young things/offensive topics. Some things may not change but you don't **** with history.
I think he was confusing her with Michael Foot who clearly was a leg end
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