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I'm not black but I can see that he would upset some people. Stan Colleymore has probably heard much of it before but it doesn't mean he has to put up with it does it.

I'm sure that it has the potential to upset an uncountable mob of people, but you can't legislate for hurt feelings. I'd be far more concerned that 'public order' legislation is being used to prosecute somebody for being a ****, than the fact that ****s like him exist.

*edit* and yes Stan Colleymore, along with me and every other ****er, does have to "put up with it" in the scheme of things
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I'm not that upset. I just called him a tosser cos of what he said in the same way I would say to those City wankers that Matt confronted. I'm not black but I can see that he would upset some people. Stan Colleymore has probably heard much of it before but it doesn't mean he has to put up with it does it.

But you do realise that using Welsh before tosser makes you appear a little bit the same, right?
I was looking forward to this but it was a missed opportunity due in no small part to Bacons smug arrogance.

Still a good resource though - I'm going to use it tonight with my kids to spark a chat about being safe on the internet.

The basic fundamentals were sound - don't take it seriously, don't create public RIP sites, delete and block people rather than responding to them and report serious threats to someone who can do something.
Saw this as I walked the dog yesterday morning. Not nice; I wish Cheshire Fire and Service (whatever that is) had got there earlier.
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did you call it in Boc?

They were just taking him down when I passed.

That must have been upsetting :(

It was certainly an enormous shock to be confronted by the scene but it would be wrong to say that I was upset by it. The incident happened just inside the city walls and not 100 yards away on the outside of the walls there are two informal memorials to people who have fallen/jumped to their deaths - and the dates on them show that they are quite recent. It almost seems that it is the norm for the area and it is really the deprivation that causes such events that I find more upsetting.

To many, Chester is the most 'county' of County towns; it has masses of tourists, a 'Browns of Chester' rather than the simple Debenhams. But that masks such a lot and when you travel along canals it is often that 'such a lot' that slaps you right in the face.
Government IT contractors hire staff in India to work on benefits system

You couldn't make it up. :097:

n November Chris Grayling called for the government to stop large contracts being moved abroad.

Asked whether the universal credit plans contradicted Grayling's words, a DWP spokesman said the jobs in India were new and therefore very different to previous plans to offshore Hewlett-Packard jobs.

"No existing British jobs are being sent overseas by the DWP and no personal data is held or can be accessed outside the UK," he said.

The spokesman declined to say how much money was being spent hiring staff in India for the project, but said officials were examining how jobs previously offshored could be moved back to the UK in future.
If it's half the price then they are saving money, a good thing.

Not always the case, if the money is paid to UK workers the government gets to tax it and it gets spent in the UK economy, also generating tax revenue and further jobs. Money that goes out of the economy and doesn't return is not a good thing.
Not always the case, if the money is paid to UK workers the government gets to tax it and it gets spent in the UK economy, also generating tax revenue and further jobs. Money that goes out of the economy and doesn't return is not a good thing.

Is there a point where the amount of tax falls below the cost increase?
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