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I used to feel a tad sorry for them, dealing with scum day in day out must have been a bit rum.

But my sympathies have long since run out. They've forgotten their order in the scheme of things - they've forgotten that not every person in the country is a violent arsehole.

**** the police.

Better an innocent person gets a bit of hassle than a possible terrorist is left to roam free.........................

Go on somebody, bite!
It makes me laugh when coppers on those TV programmes, "Cops In Cars", or "Cops On The Street" type programmes, start saying to the drunken, ****wits they deal with "I know the law". No, occifer, you don't know the law. You don't even know PACE very well, going by some of the breaches you let the TV crew capture.
Film the police.



Film the police...


I'm sure it's a woosh. It has to be.

Why? What am I missing here? I can't conceive of any words, in any order, that could be posted by somebody on Twitter which would require that individual to arrested and put before a court. The very notion is absurd to me. I have no idea what this lad, who appears to be Welsh, has actually posted, so I'm curious as to why the article has prompted the response from MoFo that it clearly has.
If I'm missing something else, then feel free to woooooooosh away
My thoughts are that this student made very hurtful remarks and racist remarks that even though he might have been pissed there is no excuse for. His punishment is up to the authorities. Twitter it may be but he knew that the remarks he was making would cause hurt so he knew what he was doing.
Why? What am I missing here? I can't conceive of any words, in any order, that could be posted by somebody on Twitter which would require that individual to arrested and put before a court. The very notion is absurd to me. I have no idea what this lad, who appears to be Welsh, has actually posted, so I'm curious as to why the article has prompted the response from MoFo that it clearly has.
If I'm missing something else, then feel free to woooooooosh away

Lack of taste isn't a crime.

I sort of feel the same but didn't want to say so.
I still think people like that are ****s, much like the people who thought it was funny to take the piss out of a dead soldiers spelling.
I still think people like that are ****s, much like the people who thought it was funny to take the piss out of a dead soldiers spelling.

I agree, the guy is a despicable **** of the first water but I don't think it's an arrestable offence.
My thoughts are that this student made very hurtful remarks and racist remarks that even though he might have been pissed there is no excuse for. His punishment is up to the authorities. Twitter it may be but he knew that the remarks he was making would cause hurt so he knew what he was doing.

But just to be clear, you don't know what remarks he actually made? Or how or why they might be hurtful to anybody or whether or not they were actually racist and to what degree?
But just to be clear, you don't know what remarks he actually made? Or how or why they might be hurtful to anybody or whether or not they were actually racist and to what degree?

On a sort of similar theme, anybody else see that Richard Bacon 'investigation' tonight on BBC3?
I've seen his comments

To be honest, I'm still no clearer as to what exactly he posted that would upset you so much. It's just some arseholes spouting shite and squabbling with each other on the internet. I've overheard more offensive things sat on the bus
I'm not that upset. I just called him a tosser cos of what he said in the same way I would say to those City wankers that Matt confronted. I'm not black but I can see that he would upset some people. Stan Colleymore has probably heard much of it before but it doesn't mean he has to put up with it does it.
Why? What am I missing here? I can't conceive of any words, in any order, that could be posted by somebody on Twitter which would require that individual to arrested and put before a court. The very notion is absurd to me. I have no idea what this lad, who appears to be Welsh, has actually posted, so I'm curious as to why the article has prompted the response from MoFo that it clearly has.
If I'm missing something else, then feel free to woooooooosh away


I thought he was using irony to be a bit racist too but it looks like I got it wrong.

You can now consider yourself a member of the great unwooshed!
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