[Duzza]Something has gone on and my money is on a backtrack from the club. That story today was very specific. Now all of a sudden Birch isn't going.
What do the Trust have to say about it?
- we obtain facts before making comments
What do the Trust have to say about the possible return of Paul Mace?
- we would totally oppose it, where have you got that from?
- he clearly didn't get fan involvement quote "if you ask the fans you will never get anything done" stated in the middle of a fans forum - consultation, forget it!
What do the Trust have to say about the arrival of this new £100k a year dynamo?
- we need to generate more revenue, something Mace clearly failed at, we hope the new person will deliver
Can you say anything without it going past Tim Davies?
- Yes, he has no power of veto on anything we say & for instance gets no advance warning of any press releases
Will you lose you corporate hospitality is you tell us the truth for a change??
- one day you will understand the importance of getting to know all the Directors & hence gaining an influential voice that stretches way beyond talking to one person at the club