David Gwilliam
Well-Known Member
Isn't blaming political correctness such an easy get out nowadays.
Never mind the fact that the idea behind political correctness is making sure speech and the use of language isn't used to harm others, let's just generalise it and make is a scapegoat for getting rid of beating and being racist.
Beighton you sre being disingenuous. Political correctness was used in the USA as a movement to restrict opinions that liberals disliked. It was never just about actual terms. Being politically correct was used to denounce those termed "Dead White European Males".
It really is remarkable find politically correct people claiming to be scapegoats.
We are, of course, getting away from the topic. The vandals have been caught and have got away with it. Even if some of the comments about punishing them are tongue in cheek people have a right to be annoyed.