Stearman to Villa

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He must have been 'tapped up' the way he's been playing
Seems like a firm business decision to me. He has been playing like he doesn't want to be at the Walkers all season, so get some decent money in and it may mean we can bring people in anyway.

I wonder if they had to run it by MM, as it would see the sale of an asset prior to him coming in, should all be agreed.
The fee according to the Mirror will be £750,000

Suspect we'd hold out for a round million - cash that is, and not some stupid '10p up front and we'll pay the rest when he's played two hundred games and scored the winner in the World Cup' type of deal

And I would snap their hands off
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If the Mirror is correct (hmmmm) I would guess that it is not so good business... Perhaps O'Neill has seen him play recently. If we continue to play him, we may end up owing Villa to take him!!!
Suspect we'd hold out for a round million - cash that is, and not some stupid '10p up front and we'll pay the rest when he's played two hundred games and scored the winner in the World Cup' type of deal

And I would snap their hands off

id go along with that...
Suspect we'd hold out for a round million - cash that is, and not some stupid '10p up front and we'll pay the rest when he's played two hundred games and scored the winner in the World Cup' type of deal

And I would snap their hands off

£750,000 and Whittingham would be ok IMO
£750,000 and Whittingham would be ok IMO

good shout that but I doubt the exisiting regime will have the ability to think on their feet an engotiate such a deal.

I personally think Stearman will develop in to an excellent right back, just not with us.
:icon_lol: It was only a couple of months when we had loads of screaming numpties saying we shouldn't accept less than £2mill for him.

As I said at the time, anything over £500,000 is highway robbery, but no, our club new best and is value would increase to that 10 fold of Ronaldhinio. Idiots, get rid of the blithering idiot
:icon_lol: It was only a couple of months when we had loads of screaming numpties saying we shouldn't accept less than £2mill for him.

As I said at the time, anything over £500,000 is highway robbery, but no, our club new best and is value would increase to that 10 fold of Ronaldhinio. Idiots, get rid of the blithering idiot

:lol: Bit harsh.
Double good. O'Neill obviously hasn't seen him playing recently.

I don't (as usual) see it that way.

When I have seen Stearman this season he has looked accident prone; playing without real focus etc.

That said, he has also looked along with Hume as being one of our very few players that can actually play football.

I see his departure - for a relatively modest sum - as just a further indicator of our continuing decline.

In fact if MM doesnt take over - and I will be surprised now it it happens - then I think we will implode - with League 1 football awaiting for next season or the one after,
I don't (as usual) see it that way.

When I have seen Stearman this season he has looked accident prone; playing without real focus etc.
He's a professional being paid by us and there is no excuse for his performances this season. I get the impression that the transfer talk at the start of the season has affected him - if he doesn't want to play 100% for us we should take what we can for him. The upside for us in any transfer negotiations is that his contract has a fair bit to run.
Didn't we reject a bid substanially over 1 milion from Sunderland. I cant see him going for any less than £1,500,000 especially if MM is coming in.
Didn't we reject a bid substanially over 1 milion from Sunderland. I cant see him going for any less than £1,500,000 especially if MM is coming in.

Didn't we reject a bid substanially over 1 milion from Sunderland. I cant see him going for any less than £1,500,000 especially if MM is coming in.

but if the player wants to leave and the best offer is say £750k then there isnt that much we can do about it :102:
:icon_lol: It was only a couple of months when we had loads of screaming numpties saying we shouldn't accept less than £2mill for him.

As I said at the time, anything over £500,000 is highway robbery, but no, our club new best and is value would increase to that 10 fold of Ronaldhinio. Idiots, get rid of the blithering idiot

Which was because a seven figure offer from Sunderland was turned down on transfer deadline day.

He's an undoubtedly talented player and I will always argue for keeping our best players but a cash and Whittingham - another potentially talented player - offer would enhance the team and our finances without significantly depleting the potential of the squad.
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