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The overall tone suggested you did. 'Selfish' was another description.

Well I've categorically stated that I'm not saying they're lazy, is that good enough for you? You're certainly right that I think they're selfish though. Several of my colleagues have had to take unpaid days off this week to look after their children because teachers have gone on strike and I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to make time-consuming and awkward alternative journeys to work despite the fact that I pay £130 a month for transport because the poor old tube drivers are on strike because they're only earning over £45,000 a year to sit on their arses all day and press a button (I do think tube drivers are lazy, greedy, selfish, self-serving bastards and I make no bones about that).

Having said all that, I suppose I'm also a massive hypocrite, because if I was in a public sector job, I'd be striking with them without question if I thought it would improve my own situation. I just wish they'd appreciate the fact that they are a lot better off than a lot of private sector workers, they're fortunate to have fairly decent jobs in the current economical climate and that a lot of people don't have a lot of sympathy for them with the way things are currently. They have the right to strike and I fully support that right, just don't expect anyone else to jump on the bandwagon and support you when we don't have the same right as you.

I think I've said all I can be bothered to say on this subject now. Thanks for the lively debate chaps, it's certainly made my Wednesday a bit more interesting anyway.

I'll end by saying that Jeremy Clarkson should be taken out the front of broadcasting house and his bollocks should be attached to a car battery.
Feel free to offer a different opinion to me on this, but this is mine:

The Tories are cutting back on lots of things in what was originally an attempt to get the economy going again before the next election and therefore make them recover some ground in the popularity stakes that they lose with these cuts. However the economy is in a worse state than most people expected it to be in and it's likely it will take longer than that to turn around. They have chosen this course though so they're not likely to change it now.

They are clearly going to alienate a lot of the public sector workers with their current policies and so it actually benefits them to create a 'public sector vs private sector' culture as they can then lean on the private sector for votes in the next election.

There is a PR exercise going on here and people are being asked to take sides when the reality is we are mostly all in the same boat. Both sides quote extreme examples of public/private luxuries and pay packets and yet in general there are a lot of similarities.

For the record, I own my own company and my wife works for the NHS so I feel I can see both sides of a balanced argument, something I feel we are being denied.
The earliest reference that I can find online about the pension timebomb is 1999 although I'm pretty sure the phrase was coined some time before that. This isn't a new problem caused by some banking fiasco, there is a fundamental issue with the model. It's unsustainable in its current form.

I'm in a similar position to pork pie above, the wife works in the local hospital, and I work in the private sector. I suppose as a shareholder I part own my company too. I recently took a hit to my pension and will have to work longer, pay more and expect less at the end of it. The solution was negotiated with my employer and a mutually agreeable one was found for the ongoing financial health of the business. The wife on the other hand was on strike yesterday.

I have had debates with her about the whys and wherefores and it boiled down to this.....
yes the bankers got bailed, but that was because the Government did nothing to prevent the problem in the first place. A responsible Government acts to prevent financial problems, not sweeps up afterwards claiming it was a global problem. Everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment. What makes you so special?
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just seen there have been nearly 5000 complaints to the bbc about clarkson's comments on the 1 show.
Bet he's gutted, what with his new dvd out....
Feel free to offer a different opinion to me on this, but this is mine:

The Tories are cutting back on lots of things in what was originally an attempt to get the economy going again before the next election and therefore make them recover some ground in the popularity stakes that they lose with these cuts. However the economy is in a worse state than most people expected it to be in and it's likely it will take longer than that to turn around. They have chosen this course though so they're not likely to change it now.

They are clearly going to alienate a lot of the public sector workers with their current policies and so it actually benefits them to create a 'public sector vs private sector' culture as they can then lean on the private sector for votes in the next election.

There is a PR exercise going on here and people are being asked to take sides when the reality is we are mostly all in the same boat. Both sides quote extreme examples of public/private luxuries and pay packets and yet in general there are a lot of similarities.

For the record, I own my own company and my wife works for the NHS so I feel I can see both sides of a balanced argument, something I feel we are being denied.

Pork Pie sez it better than i can like...but this iz wot i fink too.

Also, Pork buddy Cam is starting to look the business!
Not so happy if they sack him though. Rossy lost out in the end in some respect.Dave channel could perhaps have him if the worse thing happened.

Oh I dunno, the BBC stuck by him pretty much, apart from that token suspension they gave him. Then he pays them back by pissing off to ITV for more money. His new show is terrible though.
Everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment. What makes you so special?

I could've saved myself a lot of rambling if I'd just said that. Well said, sums up my feelings.
I've never understood the "If I've got to swallow a barrel load of shit then so should everyone else" mentality.

To which I'd say:

We've all got to swallow a barrel load of shit but some people have the right to say "hang on, I don't want to swallow this barrel load of shit, I'm officially not going to swallow this barrel load of shit anymore." which is fine, just don't expect the rest of us, who still have to swallow a barrel load of shit, to stand there with shit eating grins on our faces.
To which I'd say:

We've all got to swallow a barrel load of shit but some people have the right to say "hang on, I don't want to swallow this barrel load of shit, I'm officially not going to swallow this barrel load of shit anymore." which is fine, just don't expect the rest of us, who still have to swallow a barrel load of shit, to stand there with shit eating grins on our faces.

If you thought about it a bit more, it would make sense for you to do so. Once the government force their changes to the public sector through, demand will dry up even further - sending under a whole load of private sector enterprises. Those surviving will take the opportunity to drive down further the wages and benefits of their employees. So you're probably going to be looking at losing one of your jobs or facing another wage cut or two.
Not so happy if they sack him though. Rossy lost out in the end in some respect.
Dave channel could perhaps have him if the worse thing happened.

A doubtful outcome Mo, Dave is a BBC channel
To which I'd say:

We've all got to swallow a barrel load of shit but some people have the right to say "hang on, I don't want to swallow this barrel load of shit, I'm officially not going to swallow this barrel load of shit anymore." which is fine, just don't expect the rest of us, who still have to swallow a barrel load of shit, to stand there with shit eating grins on our faces.

To which I'd say I don't think they are asking you to.
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