Everyone is whoing and areing, about Sven, good bad indifferent,who knows, but like others have said we live in a different world now, where money is king. King Power clearly have the finances, ( or so it would seem), to take the club where we, the supporters, want to go, and thats to the big league where money rules supreme, without it your also rans, unless you have a one off season, but then can't follow up your success. The really big teams, have success season in season out, and thats where they make the money, the Champions League, has to be the target. If King Power, plus the unknown third member, want to make money out of their investment, that has to be long term aim. The money that would be generated in Asia, would be massive, take a look at the at a couple of Premiership clubs,who already have connections with the Far East, the money they are generating dwarfs M&M's contribution thus far, and thats not a criticism. I think he has done this club a massive favour, even if this adventure falls flat on its face ( which I doubt), we will not be any worsre off than M&M took over, our future looked very very bleak back then, survival of the club in any form looked unlikely. We got lucky, other clubs wanted him, and courted him, but he chose us, and saved us, lets not ever forget that.