Loving the recent photos in here, especially Melts. The camera agrees with you - good choice, nice camera. Also Beaumont, great stuff. And it's always a treat to see a nice Snipe Orrifice! (I think that last sentence should have a comma in it after Snipe, maybe...:icon_wink)
Anyway, first time I've popped my head in here this year. Here's what I've got so far in 2009...
A couple of scenic ones from my local area. There's one spot in particular, looking over the San Pedro Valley between the old Wild West town of Tombstone (Wyatt Earp, gunfight at the OK Corral, etc) and the brilliant hippy town of Bisbee, that really gives the sensation of actually being on a
planet. I don't think I've captured that here, but it's a nice view anyway...
A couple of weeks ago I went into the far southeastern corner of Arizona for the first time. The area to the east of Douglas (and around Nogales) is currently the biggest hotspot on the entire US/Mexico border for smuggling and very dodgy shit. Here's the famous fence at Slaughter Ranch (taken with the big lens zoomed out to 100mm, not ideal but I couldn't be arsed to walk back to the car!)...