TBers Photos

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That's one corner, there could well be a pond in the other.
Here's the other corner:

my fecking pond froze over.
You need to alter the depth of field or crop the picture a little tighter, other than that not bad.
It was taken in the macro setting, DOF isn't adjustable on my camera on macro (I think).

edit - I got the effect I was after, anyway.
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I think DOF works quite well here, I like that you can see the depth of the image, something you would lose with a tighter crop

I don't like the bottom 2 blossoms being out of focus, the second top blossom could be sharper too. Just a personal opinion though.
It was taken in the macro setting, DOF isn't adjustable on my camera on macro (I think).

edit - I got the effect I was after, anyway.

If you change the fStop setting it will massively affect it. I don't know whether it will be changeable on macro, but drop it as low as you can for very shallow DOF and higher for less. (Apologies if you knew this, just wanted to help!)
If you change the fStop setting it will massively affect it. I don't know whether it will be changeable on macro, but drop it as low as you can for very shallow DOF and higher for less. (Apologies if you knew this, just wanted to help!)
I usually operate at about 3.9-5.0. I love a wide aperture.

But on the macro setting, a narrower aperture isn't possible.
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Loving the recent photos in here, especially Melts. The camera agrees with you - good choice, nice camera. Also Beaumont, great stuff. And it's always a treat to see a nice Snipe Orrifice! (I think that last sentence should have a comma in it after Snipe, maybe...:icon_wink)

Anyway, first time I've popped my head in here this year. Here's what I've got so far in 2009...

A couple of scenic ones from my local area. There's one spot in particular, looking over the San Pedro Valley between the old Wild West town of Tombstone (Wyatt Earp, gunfight at the OK Corral, etc) and the brilliant hippy town of Bisbee, that really gives the sensation of actually being on a planet. I don't think I've captured that here, but it's a nice view anyway...


A couple of weeks ago I went into the far southeastern corner of Arizona for the first time. The area to the east of Douglas (and around Nogales) is currently the biggest hotspot on the entire US/Mexico border for smuggling and very dodgy shit. Here's the famous fence at Slaughter Ranch (taken with the big lens zoomed out to 100mm, not ideal but I couldn't be arsed to walk back to the car!)...

Years back I volunteered on the first couple of years of the Osprey reintroduction project at Rutland Water. You'd have thought 5000 miles away, in the desert, they wouldn't find me, but...


Wildlife is big news and big business down here as Tucson's in a unique meeting point of four major "life zones" - the Rocky Mountains meet the Sierra Madres of Mexico, whilst the Chihuahuan desert meets the Sonoran desert. Consequently lots of wildlife associated with Mexico can be seen in the USA only around Tucson. One such species is the Elegant Trogon - fantastic creature, this photo does it no justice.


Another amazing spectacle is the wintering flocks of Sandhill Cranes. The Sulphur Springs Valley currently hosts the world's largest wintering population, last winter counted at over 37,000. Seeing flocks of thousands of cranes is impressive - even if you have no interest in wildlife whatsoever, you'd still be impressed, I guarantee you.

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A couple of tame birds, but both apparently wild.


A drake Wood Duck above, on the local park pond, and a Wild Turkey below at Madera Canyon last week.

Love the Osprey one, Des.

I bought a 55-250 Canon IS lens last week for 38,000 Yen. A touch expensive given the current exchange rate, but I get paid in Yen so don't care too much. I know it's one of the cheaper lenses, but it has made a big difference from my kit lens 18-55 IS.

One objective was to photograph the eagles above the Shinano river, in your style above. ****ers disappeared the next day :icon_lol:
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