The annoying, but traditional, totally unfounded summer rumours thread

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Do you know what it means? It essentially means 'half-person'.

Just because your mixed race friends don't understand why something is wrong, doesn't make it ok.

Why does mixed race sound bad to you? It's a descriptive term. There's no derogatory implication.

I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was using such a racist and deeply offensive term. I was merely quoting my friend's description of the player who arrived at the training ground this afternoon.

I made this description without any malice and without using it in it's literal sense like you did, so I could describe the person in general.

To focus on your argument; Yes, 'Mixed race' certainly is a descriptive term, but I don't see why 'mixed race' can't be deemed as offensive? Literally taken, it basically classifies someone as not of one race or the other, which I personally find very offensive. The word Nigger is a descriptive word and was perfectly socially acceptable at one point in history, it doesn't make it inoffensive.

'White' is also an offensive term. It's on a par with calling someone of negro ancestry 'black'. A caucasian person's skin is no more 'white' than a negro person's skin is 'black'

The strings of letters that human beings create to describe their fellow man mean nothing to me, I take each person as I meet them. I don't see a description, I see a human being.

In other words, how dare you brand me a racist without knowing a single thing about me, simply because the nomenclature I use could, by some people, be deemed offensive.
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I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was using such a racist and deeply offensive term. I was merely quoting my friend's description of the player who arrived at the training ground this afternoon.

I made this description without any malice and without using it in it's literal sense like you did, so I could describe the person in general.

To focus on your argument; Yes, 'Mixed race' certainly is a descriptive term, but I don't see why 'mixed race' can't be deemed as offensive? Literally taken, it basically classifies someone as not of one race or the other, which I personally find very offensive. The word Nigger is a descriptive word and was perfectly socially acceptable at one point in history, it doesn't make it inoffensive.

'White' is also an offensive term. It's on a par with calling someone of negro ancestry 'black'. A caucasian person's skin is no more 'white' than a negro person's skin is 'black'

The strings of letters that human beings create to describe their fellow man mean nothing to me, I take each person as I meet them. I don't see a description, I see a human being.

In other words, how dare you brand me a racist without knowing a single thing about me, simply because the nomenclature I use could, by some people, be deemed offensive.

I'm your nigger, you will want me, beg for me bitch
In other words, how dare you brand me a racist without knowing a single thing about me, simply because the nomenclature I use could, by some people, be deemed offensive.

That's all lovely but I don't remember him calling you racist.
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Excuse me
standing on one leg
I'm half-caste

Explain yuself
wha yu mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean when picasso
mix red an green
is a half-caste canvas/
explain yuself
wha yu mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean when light an shadow
mix in de sky
is a half-caste weather/
well in dat case
england weather
nearly always half-caste
in fact some o dem cloud
half-caste till dem overcast
so spiteful dem dont want de sun pass
ah rass/
explain yuself
wha yu mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean tchaikovsky
sit down at dah piano
an mix a black key
wid a white key
is a half-caste symphony/

Explain yuself
wha yu mean
Ah listening to yu wid de keen
half of mih ear
Ah lookin at yu wid de keen
half of mih eye
and when I'm introduced to yu
I'm sure you'll
why I offer yu half-a-hand
an when I sleep at night
I close half-a-eye
consequently when I dream
I dream half-a-dream
an when moon begin to glow
I half-caste human being
cast half-a-shadow
but yu must come back tomorrow
wid de whole of yu eye
an de whole of yu ear
an de whole of yu mind

an I will tell yu
de other half
of my story
I get the feeling that this is a white middle class discussion.

Are any of the participants of mixed race? If not, if anyone reading the thread is, I would value your opinion.
Why, Alex?

Indierich, sorry, I know you meant no malice. It just surprised me to see 'half-caste' being used. I should have been just pointed it out rather than that post what I did.

Bocadillo, it implies that figuratively albeit not literally. Literally I think it means 'half pure' from the Latin 'casta'.

And re: White middle-class comment above, my wife is mixed race.

Anyway, back on with the thread. Apologies for the interjection.
(Indierich, White and black are accepted terms in Western culture, but calling someone black in South Africa implies they're a lower-class than 'coloured' people. It's not about the word itself in some cases so much as what is implied by the word)
Bocadillo, it implies that figuratively albeit not literally. Literally I think it means 'half pure' from the Latin 'casta'.

As the poem so lovingly describes.
Stinky pissflaps. Not racist, but still offensive. My wife hates it and can react strongly to being called it.

White. That's offensive. I don't spend £150 per week on sunbeds to be labelled 'white'. I'm bronze and anyone that says different is gonna get a size nine up their stinky pissflaps.

Wankstain. The list is endless, let's not just constrain ourselves to offense caused by race related words.

Calling a goalkeeper shit after a goal kick must be quite offensive to the keeper. Calling Jamie Lawrence a pineapple-headed freak isn't racist, but telling him he's a rubber lipped twat might be, but calling Jordan (the model with the massive tats and collagen lips, not the basketball chap) a rubber lipped twat is probably ok. Telling her to get her tits out or your going to kick her in the pissflaps is probably not ok, but isn't racist. It's difficult sometimes to know what's acceptable these days, but feel free to print this little guide to consult and use a a moral guide. A sort of talkingballs bible.

I should add for completeness, don't shag your sister, that's bad too, although not racist, unless she's a paki and you did it against her will because you hate asians. That's racist. Please never mention racism again on this forum, it's a whole can of minefields! :icon_roll
Stinky pissflaps. Not racist, but still offensive. My wife hates it and can react strongly to being called it.

White. That's offensive. I don't spend £150 per week on sunbeds to be labelled 'white'. I'm bronze and anyone that says different is gonna get a size nine up their stinky pissflaps.

Wankstain. The list is endless, let's not just constrain ourselves to offense caused by race related words.

Calling a goalkeeper shit after a goal kick must be quite offensive to the keeper. Calling Jamie Lawrence a pineapple-headed freak isn't racist, but telling him he's a rubber lipped twat might be, but calling Jordan (the model with the massive tats and collagen lips, not the basketball chap) a rubber lipped twat is probably ok. Telling her to get her tits out or your going to kick her in the pissflaps is probably not ok, but isn't racist. It's difficult sometimes to know what's acceptable these days, but feel free to print this little guide to consult and use a a moral guide. A sort of talkingballs bible.

I should add for completeness, don't shag your sister, that's bad too, although not racist, unless she's a paki and you did it against her will because you hate asians. That's racist. Please never mention racism again on this forum, it's a whole can of minefields! :icon_roll

Bocadillo, it implies that figuratively albeit not literally.

Perhaps in your mind. Please don't try to imply that it does in anybody else's.

Literally I think it means 'half pure' from the Latin 'casta'.

The latin word is 'castus' and it is true that that is the stem of the word caste, but not the meaning in this case. From the Latin stem 'castus' come the Spanish and Portuguese word 'casta' meaning 'race' and the 'caste' of the Indian class system. It is from these that the term half-caste comes; it means half one race or class and half another.

Not so much different from mixed-race, is it? Half-caste is not a derogatory term in itself, although it is clearly often used in derogatory fashion which is quite a different thing. Presumably, in time, mixed-race will become labelled as a derogatory term and we will be encouraged by the PR brigade to find another term that they will deem acceptable.
You just don't see white dog poo any more, do you

That's because dogs don't eat so many bones and so much bonemeal these days. Wouldn't it be nice though if you didn't see any dog poo at all?
The latin word is 'castus' and it is true that that is the stem of the word caste, but not the meaning in this case. From the Latin stem 'castus' come the Spanish and Portuguese word 'casta' meaning 'race' and the 'caste' of the Indian class system. It is from these that the term half-caste comes; it means half one race or class and half another.

Not so much different from mixed-race, is it? Half-caste is not a derogatory term in itself, although it is clearly often used in derogatory fashion which is quite a different thing. Presumably, in time, mixed-race will become labelled as a derogatory term and we will be encouraged by the PR brigade to find another term that they will deem acceptable.

Saved me writing it, and explained it better than I could, so thanks.

Half-caste doesn't actually mean anything different to mixed race. I think mixed race sounds worse because to me it sounds like you're saying that person isn't really any race.

But, I'll leave it there... and I didn't mean to cause offence, (or start such a big debate) but I just can't see why half-caste is seen so badly while mixed race is fine. Always just strikes me as another example of "political correctness gone mad!"
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