He was trying to put words in Pearson's mouth though, Pearson said he had a poor relationship with the Chief Executive Lee Hoos, but the way Stringer worded his question he made it sound like Pearson had issues with Mandaric and that he didn't feel Mandaric supported him, something that Pearson - who chose his words very carefully in that interview - never said.
Sloppy, sloppy journalism from an absolute ****wit, he's an absolute cretin and should not be allowed anywhere near our football club. You're right - someone should be asking these questions, but it shouldn't be this complete and utter loon. What happened to the days when the BBC employed ****ing journalists rather than Apprentice rejects?
He's a shit commentator and summariser, he has no journalistic value, and his constant smugness on Twitter claiming that he has insider knowledge is ridiculous. He knows nothing, he has no value.